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A little catch-up followed by hours of ambient noises and sleepy sounds. Conversation stops around the 30-minute mark and successful sleeping begins. YAY!

Topics: Procrastination, Motivation, ADHD, Addiction, Sleep Talking
Sounds: Snoring, Sleep talking, Distant Doors, Breathing, Movement: bed, sheets, wood, fan


I get asked to make these often, but it helps me to share these too. Here is a YUGE amount of audio (of mostly just background sounds), but it might be just what you need if you're fighting sleep demons like I am! (If you here any laughing, rest assured, it's just my brother up late!)

I mention my Twitch in this audio, we've been streaming a lot over there so if you want to hang out with a more lively version of myself, you can find hours and hours of VODS over there for you to enjoy!

Link here: https://www.twitch.tv/maximumwill

I'll try to have something sexy for you tomorrow either here or on Reddit!

P.S. Ok here's the thing, I remember doing one toot last night and I have been scrubbing through this audio all frickin' day and for the life of me I cannot find that fart. If you hear it, please forgive me 🙏 and just pretend it doesn't exist :D

Good night, sweety XXX
Willyum x



Nazz (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 01:45:06 Will I needed this so bad omg I may actually sleep through the night for once thank you sir 🫡
2024-07-16 01:45:06 Will I needed this so bad omg I may actually sleep through the night for once thank you sir 🫡
2024-07-07 01:40:28 Will I needed this so bad omg I may actually sleep through the night for once thank you sir 🫡

Will I needed this so bad omg I may actually sleep through the night for once thank you sir 🫡


I'm gonna find the fart 🎧