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~ Prologue ~

Once there was a god that resided in Teyvat. The god only wished their lands to be in peace and harmony with one another. Yet upon sensing a war brewing, they decided to choose a fellow married couple amongst the living people. After choosing, they shared their godly powers for them both to use so that they can prevent destruction upon Teyvat. Upon the couple declaring war on Storm Terror's lair, it went down in history. They both saw the destruction that was left from the war, the couple decided to try and repair it by using some of their powers which sold a portion of their life and caused them to pass away.

Though, their spirits were never put to rest as they lingered around Wolvendom and Dragonspine together reincarnating into spirit like wolves. They took time to find a safe place and to get used to their current forms, yet they managed in the end. Eventually they built a pack of their own. Some town folks would say “Hey traveler! Did you know that once a god gave powers to two mortals and upon doing so? That those mortals that ascended into god-like beings cannot do their fullest potential without one another? Interesting isn’t it? But what makes it better is that they have the power to destroy places if they wish to do so by combining their godly powers. But why have they decided not to? I wonder why.” Some spread misinformation, giving a dangerous reputation amongst these two godly wolves. Years later the two spirit-like wolves decided to have an heir to their pack, a child. Which they named their child Fayne, the next to rule upon her pack.

Fayne is the descendant of Andrius and Anastasia. She was born a wolf and had inherited her parents powers. But she wasn't exactly born like a feral being, she had cognitive abilities. Fayne was only a pup when things took a turn for her. Fayne was a very curious and energetic pup that constantly wanted to play and explore. As much as she was such a hassle to take care of, she brought happiness to her parents.

One day, she followed her mother to Dragonspine. Supposedly, she was meant to stay with her father. Anastasia hadn't noticed their pup had followed her to such a dangerous place. Andrius worried about the disappearance of his pup. Anastasia would try and take care of her pup that had followed her all the way to such a dangerous place but it was difficult.

Then, the worst happened. Anastasia heard the sound of danger approaching. A gang of treasure hoarders tracked and hunted them down. Fayne and her mother avoided the danger but eventually, they were cornered at one of the hill sides. Anastasia put Fayne away into a small hole where only she could fit. After reassuring the safety of her child, she'd bare her fangs and growl at the threats before her. "Capture it and keep it alive!" the leader of the treasure hoarder commanded. Fayne struggled to see what was happening outside the hole and tried peeking many times. Anastasia had arrows pierced into her, javelins shot at her, ropes trying to pull her down but she kept fighting for the sake of her and her child's safety. The hoarders struggled to keep her alive and almost slaughtered the enemies brutally. This threw off the leader.

When Fayne tried to peek one more time, she heard a gunshot and a splash of blood splatter across her face. A moment of silence came before she heard, "Damn it! We lost our only chance! Now what?!". Fayne let out a whine and began to whimper. The treasure hoarders listened to the sound carefully and realized that Anastasia had been hiding a pup. Fayne's mother's blood soaked the snow red as her body laid there motionlessly. "Don't you dare hurt my pup", the mother demanded in the weakest tone with her dying breath before her eyes stopped glowing and became a pale color.

Fayne saw a hand shove into the hole she was in and try to grab her. Fayne began to run deeper into the hole as she hears treasure hoarders trying to get her out. At the other end of the hole, they lit it up and set it ablaze, causing Fayne to come out to the enemy. They grabbed her and held her down. "This is the only thing we have. We'll survive with it for now. The younger the better. We'll train it perfectly so it grows up to obey our every order." Fayne heard the leader say as he checks Fayne's facial features. Fayne tried to bite him but as her small teeth sank into his hands, it barely did anything.

It was that very day, she was taken by the treasure hoarders. Andrius worried and worried, noticing that his family hadn't come back. That would turn to days, weeks, months, then years. Fayne grew up as a sled dog and tracker for searching all sorts of things, mostly valuable things that the treasure hoarders wanted. Following Fayne and the treasure hoarders. They rested in a dark cave in Dragonspine, where they set camp for a while. "You know this damn muzzle limits my smelling senses." Fayne says as she turns human momentarily to try and pry it off. "Our previous search dog had no issue with this. Therefore, you can as well." it was the only reply she got.

Time to time, she would turn human to try and speak to them as a person. In return, they'd demand she stays in her wolf form. The only time she uses her human is for stealing, since she was stealthy and agile. Other times, for other certain things. For that she had to wear a collar and muzzle for just as long as she's trapped with these men who exploited her. So other than being those two roles, she could be considered a thief. These treasure hoarders were so unfair to her though, to the point of completely exhausting her. Yet, she grew up to be quite stubborn and rebellious, but she’d still obey their every order to avoid punishment.

One day, they heard that there was a valuable relic hidden somewhere around Dragonspine. Of course, that would bring the attention of the treasure hoarders to crave such items. They planned their mission and for this one, Fayne had a special role. With that, they set out on their journey. After hours of searching, they found it located in a closed area between cold ice bergs. They demanded Fayne to collect it and bring it back to them. As she claimed the relic, she stared at it, mesmerized by its beauty. It was a sword made out of cold steel like the cold ice of Dragonspine. It glowed a beautiful and vibrant gradient of blue. It was pretty. The more she stared into it, the voices of the treasure hoarders that were demanding she bring it to them, disappeared into the distance. Their voices were brought away into a different direction by the cold winds that blew. Then, the idea hit her. Should she do it? Should she take it and run? Fayne contemplated. One decision could change her life entirely. If she stayed, she’d have to serve them until the day she dies just like the previous search dog or should she run away and live a new life of freedom? Finally, she made a decision.

Fayne stormed out of the area while having the sword in her hands. “She’s getting away with our damn relic! Get back here bitch! Hey!” she could hear them shouting at her as she slowly got away. They chased her down and tried to capture her but she ran as fast as she could. She used her agility and the area around her to escape. She climbed places they couldn’t reach and which eventually led to her freedom. Not even for a second did she turn back. She kept running and running, even if she was out of breath. Fayne wouldn’t stop until she knew she got away and was safe. At last, she found herself in the middle of nowhere. It was dark, cold and blinded with snowstorms.

Fayne felt very scared. How will she survive from now on? Are they still on her tail? She looked at the sword in her hand then vanished to thin air. She thought she lost it, which she did, or did she? That made her feel vulnerable, though she already did feel that way but without a weapon it made her feel helpless. The cold was slowly getting to her, to fight it she turned to her wolf form and continued to look for shelter. She then found a nearby cave and hid in there for the night. It was quite hard to get rest, from time to time she would wake up due to sudden sounds of the environment or the fear of suddenly seeing the treasure hoarders snatch her.

That very day, she would survive by living as a wolf. Just as she was about to leave Dragonspine, she saw a girl in the distance. She was rather petite. Fayne slowly approached the unknown being to confirm what or who they were. Fayne’s curiosity was piqued. The girl seemed to be freezing from the cold. The girl noticed the white wolf approaching her. Fayne showed no intentions of harming her, she felt a sense of sympathy towards the girl. The girl was scared and tried to get away from Fayne causing her to fall onto the snow.

Eventually, the girl calmed down when she noticed the muzzle on the white wolf. She slowly brought her hands closer to Fayne’s snout. Fayne backed away slightly, still distrustful of the stranger before her. But the girl’s soothing words of reassurement made Fayne feel safe. The girl’s hands slip onto the straps of the collar around the wolf’s neck and then the muzzle. Fayne immediately backed away when she was free and ran away back into the snowy fog in the distance. The girl didn’t expect much from the white wolf and shrugged it off, but the sheer cold got to her again and she was slowly freezing to death. As she suffered, Fayne brought back a scarlet quartz to her. That was a sign of Fayne’s appreciation. Then, Fayne ran away from the stranger. Never to meet her again, or will she?

By now, Andrius had replaced his loneliness with Razor. It was quite long ago he tried to find Anastasia and Fayne, this did have an impact on him but he believed they were deceased or missing. Fayne would run away from place to place. Constantly changing her choice of environment. She’d mostly eat small avians or whatever she could find. Hunting was the hard part. Food, water and shelter was the main thing she’d have to find. Fayne was slowly indulging into a more animal-like mind, forgetting how it was like to have a cognitive mind. Eventually, she changed her way of surviving. She passed by different towns and used her skills to steal whatever she could find. Fayne would mostly avoid interacting with others. Sometimes, she’d use the items she stole to pay them to inn owners to get a room to eat, shower, and mostly sleep in comfortably.

Despite what she’s gone through, she was still determined to live. Fayne believed her mother was still out there somewhere. Fayne had something important with her that she received when she was a pup. It was a shiny blue thing. It was blessed to her by her parents and the words that came along with it was “If you’re ever lost, can’t find a way home, hold onto this with all your heart and follow where your heart tells you to go. You’ll find home”. Fayne’s memories of her young self and the past with her parents were so far gone she could barely remember it clearly. The only thing that she could remember was the trauma that was scarred into her memories. But she had faith that she could find her home and her parents again.

Fayne had chosen the terrible path to survive, stealing. It was the only way she could get by. The only time she interacted with humans was when she tried to ask people for work. But they rejected her time and time again. Due to the fact she was a teenager at the time and had no background to support her as a legal person. As a result, she gave up and chose to just steal and return the money by profiting it back in the place she stole it from before leaving to a different town. Finally, she ended up in Mondstadt. Where her life would change drastically. After such a long night of traveling, she ended up getting wasted in a tavern. Then, the person that would change her life met her. The story follows.

Chapter 1: What’s the Hurry?

It was late at night, Kaeya had entered the tavern to order his favorite drink, Death in the Afternoon. As he sat at the bar, he noticed a very mysterious woman. She wore a cloak that covered her from head to toe. She seemed hungover as her head rested on the bar table. Kaeya came closer to the woman and spoke to her. Kaeya knows everyone in Mondstadt. But this woman released nothing but a mysterious aura and he didn’t recognize her at all. So that made him curious about her. “You’re not from around here are you?” Kaeya asked. She lifted her head to look at who asked her such a question. She glared at him and didn’t reply. Kaeya spoke again, “You seem to be in quite the state, do tell me. What’s your name?” He says teasingly, waiting for an answer. She looked rather uncomfortable. She pulled her chair away to keep a distance showing that she wanted to do nothing with him. Kaeya does have a way with talking to others, especially at the tavern but this woman might be a little hard to get her to open up to. Kaeya pulled his chair closer to her. “Now, now, don’t be so rude dear. Who knows, perhaps our encounter here was meant to be. If we’re to stay together for even a short period, I should at least know what to call you.” Kaeya said. The mysterious woman rolled her eyes and said “It’s not nice to ask a person’s name without telling them your own”. Kaeya chuckles mischievously. “Oh of course, you’re correct. My apologies.” He puts his hand to his heart, as if he was actually apologetic. “My name is Kaeya Alberich. It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss?...”. Kaeya waits for her to say her name. “Artesia.” she said nervously. Kaeya raised an eyebrow. “You don’t seem like the type of person to talk much, aren’t ya?” Kaeya asked, his tone being more of a statement than a question. That offended her, “Look I’ll leave.” she said as she headed for the tavern’s exit. Before she could even step foot outside, she was stopped by the bartender. She hadn’t paid for her drinks and they demanded she pay before leaving. Kaeya would watch the exchange go on. The mysterious woman pulled out two small balls out of her cloak. The bartender would reject the payment and demand she paid with mora. Kaeya continued to sip on his drink until he spat out his drink when he saw her make a break for it. The bartender then shouted “Get back here! Hey! Kaeya, aren't you going to do something about it?!”. “Yeah, yeah on it!” Kaeya placed his drink on the table and began to chase her down. But before he knew it, she was already gone. Kaeya was unable to catch her. With that, she had disappeared into the night.

Chapter 2: Quite the Find

Kaeya found last night like a small spark of interest. He really isn’t into the usual Knight’s of Favonious stuff, he’s always looking for a little fun. He thought last night would spark into something bigger. Such a bad mindset for wanting something to get more interesting isn’t really all that good but, can you blame a guy who just goes on patrol all day and night? He barely gets any important tasks, even if it was, it probably is just some errands or some small favors for the people of Mondstadt. As Kaeya did his daily patrol, he would walk around the main square of Mondstadt. His eyes look at people buying stuff, sellers marketing their goods, people chattering, the usual boring stuff. Kaeya sighed and continued to walk down the street until something or someone familiar caught his eye. It was that woman from yesterday, at the tavern. She seemed to be walking past a few stalls but something wasn’t right. Each time she passed a stall, something would go missing from there. It was obvious that she was hiding goods in her cloak. Kaeya smirked and thought to himself, “Maybe things will get interesting from here~”. As soon as she walked past the last stall, she headed for the gates. Then, she was stopped by Kaeya who stood in front of her. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? I see a little thief!” he said mockingly. “Me? A thief? What makes you think of that?” she replied. “I don’t know, I don’t think anyone would wear a large cloak despite the heat. What’s underneath that cloak of yours?” he asked. She began to back a little “Fine, you caught me. But it's not like you can do anything about it.” she said. “Oh but my dear, I can do something about that.” he took a step closer and said “You don’t know? I can arrest you for theft. I am the Captain Knight of Favonius”. Kaeya would grab her hands as she tried to walk away from the situation. “Hey! Let go of me!” she demanded. “I’m afraid I can’t allow that. I believe you know why. You’re coming with me.” he said as he restrained her. She began to struggle more. Kaeya would continue to try and bring her with him but the more she struggled the more it became harder for the both of them. Then he picked her up and put her over his shoulder. Then he thought to himself, “She’s quite light, it seems. I might enjoy the fact that I’m the stronger one in this situation~” he said as he’s getting a kick out of this. Suddenly, his face was met with a heel to his face from her boot. Kaeya dropped her and held his face from the sudden pain. She took the chance and made a break for it. “Close the gates!” Kaeya demanded. The gatekeepers immediately closed off the only exit, making the woman back away and look left and right, only to realize she’s surrounded. “Got nowhere to run, little thief? You’re quite agile, I’ll give you that. But enough games.” Kaeya said as he approached her cautiously. She began to get overwhelmed, crowds started to gather and watch. Knights began to surround her more. With Kaeya coming closer, her eye glowed blue and a huge burst of ice hit Kaeya and whoever was in the way. It was quite a huge attack. It left a huge iceberg, that’s how bad it was. People screamed in fear, Kaeya stayed on the floor trying to process what had just happened. Knights began to handle the people and get them to safety. With that, there was a chance for her to make a break for it. She parkoured over the walls. Gatekeepers began to open the gates again to allow the knights to chase her down. Kaeya looked at the iceberg and said under his breath “Fascinating~”. He got up and followed behind his knights. They chased her all the way to the forest, far away from Mondstadt. They had their eyes locked on her but then out of nowhere, she disappeared. Just like that. As Kaeya caught up to his knights. “Captain, we lost her. What are your orders?” one of his knights asked. Kaeya would look around, trying to look for clues. Unfortunately, no sign of the mysterious woman was seen. But something caught his eye, a blue shiny item was on the floor. Kaeya picked it up. He was certain that she had dropped it while running off. Kaeya smirked and said “She’ll come to us, head back to Mondstadt”. With that, their search party ended. His knights went on ahead without him. Kaeya looked around the forest one last time before he saw a beautiful white wolf in the woods. It stared at him before it began to runway. Kaeya didn’t take much of it and headed back as well.

Chapter 3: I’m Looking Forward to This

During the night patrol, Kaeya waited for her to appear. The mysterious item he had picked up earlier dangles from his belt. He made sure it was kept secured on him all the time. As he passed through an alley between two houses. He hears someone land behind him. “Miss Artesia is back, it seems.” he remains where he is and awaits her next move. He turned around to see her standing there. “Give. It. Back.” she demanded aggressively. “Oh? You mean this?” he waved the oh so valuable item of hers in front of them. “You want it? Come and get it!” Kaeya teased. She would stomp towards him and try to swiftly grab it but he would just put it higher and laugh at her attempts. “You know, you could always say please.” he said mockingly. “I said give it back! It belongs to me!” she said. The more she tried, the more angrier she got. But Kaeya was still getting entertained by this. He laughs and says “You’re so interesting, do you know that? No matter how stubborn you are, you’ll always eventually give in.” he continued to wave the item around. “Please.” she said angrily. “There it is, good girl. But I couldn’t catch what you said. You might wanna say it again so I can hear it clearly~” he teased. That made her angry. Her eyes glowed blue again like earlier today. She pulled out a sword from her cloak and slashed at him. He dodged the attack and looked at her as if he wasn’t fazed at all. “Ah, ah, ah! You were just getting good with your manners~”. That made her give up. She immediately turned around and tried to run away but Kaeya wouldn’t let her, besides he still has to arrest her for her thievery earlier today. “And where are you going little thief?” he says as he grabs her by the shoulder. “Keep the damn key, I don’t need it anyways.” She tried to run away again but was stopped by Kaeya who got in front of her. “Is that how you speak to a noble knight? If that’s what you’re going to do, might as well be speaking like a peasant.” he said as he put his hands onto his hips. He has an annoyed expression on his face now. “I don’t care, not like you’ll be seeing me again anyways.” she says as she pulls her hood more to cover her face. Kaeya has never seen her face clearly, he gets down to her level and removes the hood off of her. That caught her off guard. Kaeya would study the mysterious woman’s face. She had beautiful white hair and eyelashes, her bangs covered her left eye while the other eye was a pale blue. “Oh, so sorry~” he said. She slapped him and ran away. Kaeya held his cheek and looked at her as she ran. “My, my, haha~ How intriguing~” he said. After that, he would report what had happened to Jean. Only for Jean to tell him to finish the job and find the thief. Kaeya didn’t exactly seem bothered about it and easily accepted the task. Which surprised Jean because recently, he has been quite bored and sloppy when it came to small tasks. With that, Kaeya adjourned outside of Mondstadt to find the mysterious woman again.

Chapter 4: I’m Getting Tired of This Game

Kaeya would go through the cold night and journey through the woods. He expected her to be around here and to his expectations, it wasn’t too hard to find her. He sees her in the middle of the forest just poking a fireplace with a stick as she crouches down. She muttered a few things under her breath such as “Can’t believe these people
how am I going to get it back now?...Mom
I’m sorry
I lost it
” she said in an upset tone. Kaeya was confused but felt a bit of sympathy for her. He continued to observe her to see if she would do anything else but all she did was just stare into the fire and poke it with the stick as she kept muttering things about her mother. She then threw the stick into the fire. She went a bit far from the fire and got in a fetal position on the floor as she pulled on her cloak trying to stay warm. Kaeya waited until she fell asleep and approached her. He watched her as she slept and contemplated if he should arrest her now, or wait for tomorrow, or just let her be. All sorts of options came to mind but none to make a decision on. So he just sat there and watched her, waiting until she woke up. Eventually, the sun rose and she woke up. Her vision was blurry and she noticed a person sitting in front of her. “M-mom?” she questioned. Her vision cleared properly and to her surprise she screamed “You again?!”. “So how was your sleep, sleeping beauty?” he asked her as he smiled mischievously. “You..little..What in the holy archons do you want from me?!” she questioned angrily. “You took something that didn’t belong to you, and in Mondstadt, the punishment for stealing is pretty harsh. I can assure you. Although you did make things a little more interesting for me.” he chuckles. “You can’t keep me locked up there forever, I’m not even from Mondstadt!” she stated. “You don’t wanna be locked up? Yet you come all the way here in Mondstadt, only to steal something? You should know what happens to thieves here, But for someone like you, I think I can make an exception!” he says brightly, almost as if he’s up to something. Her eyes looked around trying to find an escape before they landed on the item that’s dangling on his belt. A moment of silence came before she swiftly grabbed it and made a run for it. Kaeya let her run for a moment before chasing her. “Ah you’re quite agile you know that! I had no idea you could move so quickly.” he says as he chases her through the forest. Then again, eventually he lost her. “Probably shouldn’t have given her a head start, oh well it’s a forest. But this is still fun!” he thought to himself as he tried to listen for any footsteps or any other sound that she could make. Then, he hears sounds from a specific direction. He heads towards said direction only to find that white wolf again. Kaeya wouldn’t take much of the wolf but it certainly did seem mysterious. He looked around, checked a different direction and headed towards it. The wolf began to walk the opposite direction. Kaeya scratched his head in confusion. The search would go on for a while, he didn’t give up at all. He tracked back to where he was earlier only to follow the wolf as if it knew something. But then, the wolf suddenly turned into a human. Turns out the wolf was the woman herself. She put the item into a necklace and put it on. Then she turned back into a wolf and was about to leave again. Kaeya was right, the white wolf was Artesia all along. He was shocked, he’s seen strange things before in Mondstadt, but this
this is definitely one of the most surprising things he’s ever seen. He can feel his heart racing. However, he decides to remain calm. All sorts of questions ran through his head about her. It piqued more curiosity into him. “You’re not a normal human now aren’t you? What exactly are you?” he questioned the wolf as he approached it. She tried to put on an act and be a wolf but it wasn’t going to work now. “There’s no need to put on the act.” He took a step closer. “But I must admit, your ability to turn into a wolf is something I’ve never seen before.” he smiled. “What other secrets are you hiding?” he questioned out of curiosity. The wolf then became hostile and snarled at him. “Now my patience is wearing thin. Why don’t you just turn yourself in and make it easier for the both of us, hm?” he said as he changed and became a bit more serious now. The wolf would circle around him. “Don’t be hostile, surely you understand that there’s no way for you to escape.” Then, everything became silent as the atmosphere became tense. Out of nowhere, she jumped onto him and tried to bite him. But he moved aside, trying to dodge her attacks. She almost bit him at some point and he grabbed her snout to stop her from biting him. He’s clearly becoming less patient with this. He lets go of the snout as he collapses onto the floor. She hovered over him and bared her fangs at him, ready to bite his face off any moment now. Kaeya was now vulnerable and realized he might actually be in danger now. She was stronger and bigger than him. He grins widely, “You’re stronger than me, what’s more
You’re also very good at acting like an animal.” His gaze was almost a little mischievous. Suddenly, before she was about to rip him to shreds. Multiple arrows pierced through her back and side making her fall off of him. Knights began to tie her down and press her snout down, trying to immobilize the big wolf. Kaeya stood up and watched as his knights took care of the situation. “Captain, are you okay?” one of them asked Kaeya. “Oh, I’m fine, but I’ll say this once.” he says as he kneeled in front of the wolf that was being held down. “This is also probably stolen. So I’ll hold onto it and return it to its original owner.” Kaeya said as he dangled the item in front of the wolf. That sent a huge wave of anger through her, making her drag the knights that were trying to hold her down. She tried to grab the item as Kaeya did not move a single muscle and showed no fear as she tried ever so desperately to get the item back. But eventually, she gave up and collapsed. Bleeding out from the arrows, tied up by these ropes, she seemed tired and had given up completely. “Hey, don’t die on me. That’s no fun.” Kaeya stood up and sighed. Her blood began to stain her own white fur. She slowly became weaker and weaker until she eventually stopped struggling and laid there motionless. “Take the wolf away.” Kaeya clasped his hands together as he turned around and began to walk off back to Mondstadt with his knights that dragged the wolf all the way there. Finally, the thief has been caught.

Chapter 5: I’ll Help Out, But You Owe Me

After the intense situation, Kaeya and his knights had brought back the wolf and reported it to Jean. Jean didn’t exactly like what she saw, it was quite displeasing to look at. At first, she thought he had brought back an ordinary wolf that was injured, but he convinced her that was the thief that Jean ordered him to arrest. Of course, one would be confused why a wolf would be the thief when originally it was a human. Kaeya then mentioned that he saw her turn into a wolf. It could be possible that she is some sort of shape shifter, or even an adepti? Who knows. This was the kind of thing for Lisa to investigate, Jean would suggest she took over instead. Kaeya was now allowed to be free from this case. But he didn’t want to stop there. Things were already too interesting for him, he wanted more. He didn’t want to go back to his boring Favonius stuff again. He wanted to get more out of this. With that, he followed his knights as they brought the wolf to the cells. People would stare at the wolf and show their hate towards it. Wolves weren’t a very pretty topic around Mondstadt. They were quite problematic. Nobody liked them, they would shout “Wolf!” and all sorts of sentences in a rude and angry manner. Eventually, they put the wolf in her cell. They didn’t even bother to patch her up. Just leaving her to bleed out in there. Kaeya was now left alone with her. He approached the cell and stood in front of it. Then he crouched down to look at the wolf. She couldn’t hold her wolf form any longer so she turned back into a human. Arrows still stayed on her back and side as she bled out in there. Kaeya would watch as he felt a little bad for her. Her hand would go through the bars and gently try and grab the item that’s still dangling on his belt. She muttered in the weakest tone, “Please, give it back
It’s mine
I need it
” She was so weak that she couldn’t even reach or touch it. Tired, her hand fell. Kaeya sighed and took the item out. “If it’s so important to you then
” Kaeya gently placed it in her hand and gazed at her softly. “Then I believe this is yours.” With that, she clutched hard onto the item and passed out from the blood loss.


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