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helloaa, I just wanted to inform you that due to health reasons I won't be uploading an episode this thursday wow it's the first time in a year.

As patreons I'll tell you the whole story ji ji 

I'm participating in a spanish webtoon contest to become an original, so I've been working on two comics at the same time for almost a month, yesterday I started to feel stress and I decided it's time to rest.

I've been wanting to create exclusive patreon content for a while but I haven't had the chance so I'll take these days to do what I want, expect more NSFW :)



holaaa, solo quería informar que por salud no subiré episodio este jueves wow es la primera vez en un año

Como patreons les contare la historia completa ji ji 

Estoy participando en un concurso de webtoon español para convertirme en original, así que llevo casi un mes trabajando en dos comics al mismo tiempo, ayer empecé a sentir estragos del estrés y decidí que es momento de descansar.

La verdad tengo rato queriendo crear contenido exclusivo de patreon pero no había tenido la oportunidad asi que me tomare estos días para hacer lo que quiero, esperen mas NSFW :)



I agree! You have been fantasticly consistent for the past year and so! Take some time for yourself! Go out if you can with your girlfriend😘 I much prefer you take some time to relax, than you needing some time to recover from a burnout or mental stress😞 Thank you DP 🥰 we love you


OMG! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I wish you both continued happiness for all the years to come 🥰