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由于我的pixiv fanbox忘记打马赛克而被暂停使用,我想一部分刚刚续订的用户看不到我接下来的作品对他们是不公平的,我想不到好的解决办法,因此我决定接下来这个月直到11月20号的所有作品都会在pixiv上免费公开,因此您不需要订阅这个月的订阅会员就可以在pixiv看到这个月的作品,我依然会将作品进行翻译,并会同时投稿到patreon上,感谢您的支持!如果您需要进行本月的退款请联系我,我会后台发放退款的! 我对我的长期支持者们感到愧疚,我知道有朋友长期订阅我的内容,即使我并不会删除之前的稿件。之前想着为长期订阅者免费画稿也一直没做。希望未来我能够补偿你们。感谢大家一直以来的支持!

my pixiv fanbox get suspended because forgot to Mosaic. I think it's unfair that some of the users who just renewed their subscriptions can't see what I'm going to do next, and I can't think of a good solution, so I've decided that all my work for the rest of the month until November 20th will be available for free on pixiv. So you don't need to subscribe to this month's subscription to see this month's works on pixiv. I'll still be translating them and contributing them to patreon, thanks for your support! If you need to refund this month, please don’t hesitate contact me, I will issue the refund backstage. I feel guilty about my longtime supporters. I know friends who subscribe to my content for a long time, even if I don't remove previous posts . I hope I can make it up to you in the future. Thank you all for your support!



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