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chalkboard aesthetic this year! i guess i used to write percentages for how close things were to being done, but these projects are all kinda at the starting line... at least for the parts i'm working on.....

i'm feeling pretty nebulous about the order i wanna tackle these in too. i wonder how things will turn out 6 months from now...? what i choose to focus on depends on my mood, so i guess we'll see how it goes! (i really wanna get that starry flowers comic done!!!)

Trick Comes Home: Part 2

i don't feel like i need a break from treat yet, so i'm just gonna keep going with chapter 8! the main thing is that i don't want to release syrup 2 until after treat is done (because i'm so close to the end now!!!) and the international fans are waiting for translations, which i decided not to start until the game is fully finished because it would've been really difficult to manage during development.

the point being... i'm very motivated!!!!! i'll probably start drawing new tiles for the next area after i finish this post, even!!!!!!!

last year i overestimated how much progress i would make in the first half of the year, so i'm giving myself a very relaxed goal of july this time. but really the wip build will go up as soon as i have something substantial to share, whether that means alternate ending stuff or ch8 proper. making the first half of this chapter felt a lot more complicated than what i have planned for the second half, so maybe i can finish it a lot sooner...! then again, it's the end of the main story....... i'm gonna have to make a reeeally good song for the credits (ok this section is getting way off track)

another piece of candy

weekly updates are ongoing as always! since i took a hiatus last fall, i'm feeling recharged when it comes to these comics. the volume 2 pdf is actually mostly put together already, so the main thing i need to do for the next release is draw the cover and send the books to print. it'll be a lot of work, so i'm saving this for when i feel tired of working on games.

oh, event-wise... i want to do a popularity poll next and have the characters reeact to your votes. i'm not sure when to schedule this for though! printing volume 2 will likely come first, since right now i mostly want to chill and do weekly updates (with some daily-update storylines in between). if i do too many comics at once i'll get worn out, so i'm kinda in recharge mode in order to avoid taking another hiatus.

Sex Advice Succubus

writing SAS is really fun and rewarding, so i want to keep updating it! i have a solid idea for session 3, and i'm confident i can finish it in under a month. that's why i put it in kind of a game jam slot on my schedule! if i have a different idea for nanoreno, i'll make a new game, but atm i'm more interested in continuing SAS. also... i'm trying to scatter updates for this game since the content isn't for everyone--i like to try to give different types of fans different things to look forward to yknow??

Tempered Desire (starry flowers comic)

i didn't get to finish this last year!!!!!!! i really thought that i would!!!!!!!!!! i just haven't been in the right mood for it, and all my other priorities got in the way...... i think i will probably get to it sometime this year though. it's a cute comic, so i really want to share it. i can't distribute it on patreon due to the content, so maybe i don't need to give updates about it here... but... it's starry flowers......... ohhhhh i hope i can finish it soon.

other things that might come up

i'm definitely gonna be doing more ludum dares this year, since it was so fun last year!!! i think 2 are scheduled (for april and october), so you can expect some small games when that rolls around :)

i really want to make a game about vinegar, but my outline for it is pretty long. like, it'll probably end up being syrup or starry flowers length, except spread out though various endings. because of the length, i'm hesitant to start on it until some of my other big projects are out of the way (namely treat). i didn't want to promise it for this year, but i've been thinking about it a lot so i might end up starting it on a whim!

syrup 2 has been on the backburner for a long time, i think because i finished most of the features i wanted for it. so the final stretch is just about filling in the rest of the story content and balancing the game! treat has been taking the "big story focus" slot in my head, so i've still barely touched this. i was looking at some art from it the other day and feeling pulled in by it though... i must resist...! i know if i blast on syrup 2, treat will get delayed by a lot! wahhh!!!

that's all!

tl;dr i'm in treat focus mode for the foreseeable future. this is a good thing! it's great!! i'm glad i can focus, especially since it's been a struggle in the past!!! i will probably stumble once i get far enough along in ch8 part 2, but that'll just be a chance to finish the other things on my list.

i'm really really happy and grateful i get to spend all my time working on so many things i love ;o; thank you all so much for being here and cheering me on. happy new year!!!!




Tempered desire goal: November *14 days later*

Jan Löwen

Do you make an android port for "Lonely Wolf Treat", if you are done with the twond part of chapter 8? I want to play it on android, and don't want to play it on pc, while I don't have a windows pc for now. And another thing: 1. Do you make a german translation from "Another piece of candy"? 2. And can you make "Charm Studies" playable for Android 11? I can play it on Linux, but I want to play it on Android! Thank you for answering! With friendly regards Jan Löwen


sadly i'm not able to make an android version due to the engine i used, but i hope it can be ported one day. 1. yes, i'd like to! i'll contact my translator haha 2. i'll see what i can do--charm studies has more trouble running on android than my other games (though my other games are having some problems right now too... this is mostly out of my control ;_;) thanks for your questions ^^