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i'm in the process of moving my music off of bandcamp and onto itchio, and there are actually some fun tools for this (like scritch!) but instead of using that i thought i could just make one with ren'py and have a lot more control over the aesthetic and various features...

unfortunately the web build for this DIDN'T WORK!!!!! so i will either have to wait for ren'py web to improve (it's still in beta) or i will re-code it to not use the music room (which is what i assume is breaking it since music room is a very very old ren'py feature). EDIT: JUST KIDDING!!!! it wasn't the music room, it was the code i was using to grab the song length that caused the game to freeze. idk why it only broke on web but whatever. public release is back on!!!!!

i threw this together in about a day, so it won't be too sad if i have to scrap it and try something else, but i wanted to share it with you guys because it's at least a fun little toy :) it has most of the music from my games, but not everything... i didn't include anything that i didn't make myself, and treat had too many tracks so i was picky with which ones i kept in. there's a few in there from treat 8 too, so slight spoiler warning i guess!!

files are unarchived so you can nab all the oggs and peek at the code too if you want. the point of this was to have an easy listening experience so if any of the tracks stand out volume-wise (too loud/too quiet) let me know and i can adjust them next time.

enjoy!!! <3




Hey, interesting! I didn't know you could do THIS with ren'py too! I'm sure lots of people will find this useful.


would this be okay to play in the background while streaming if I may ask?