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this will be a bit of a sleepy dev diary… i’m writing it late because i’ve had trouble focusing this week (personal stuff i decided not to share, i’m ok tho)

so, the store page for another piece of candy vol. 1 went up! as of writing this, there are only a few copies left, which is actually perfect because it means 50 was a good amount for patron-only orders!!

the reason i wanted to limit the first batch of books to patrons-only was because it’s my first time shipping out merch on my own, and i didn’t want to get too overwhelmed with orders. doing a limited stock type thing just to try it out was really for the best i think, because i have limited space in my apartment to store the merch anyway haha.

there was a lot to figure out to be able to get this far… i ordered the books back in mid-july, and they got to me in early august. then i ordered the charms mid-august, and they got to me a couple weeks later. i should’ve ordered them sooner so i could put the store page up right away, but i was preoccupied with the audition event… now that i’m more used to this stuff i can schedule things out a little better.

the other major thing was setting up accounts for bigcartel (the storefront i used) and pirateship (for buying shipping labels). i luckily have a friend who’s very experienced with selling their own merch, so all the recommendations for these services came from them. they have a label printer, so i’ll be heading to their house to pack all the orders… but in the future i might invest in a label printer of my own for convenience!

the next round of book orders will be public so i’m planning to stock up on at least 100… i’m not sure when i’ll actually launch those, since i want to make some more progress on my games first. merch stuff has taken up a lot of mental energy for me since it was so much to figure out, so it’d be nice if i can space it out a bit. i don’t think i’ll be AS drained for volume 2 since i’m more used to the process, but yeah, definitely worrying that if i try to do merch simultaneously with gamedev i’ll fall behind on my deadlines (those deadlines were never too strict to begin with, but you know!!!!)

uhh let’s see… oh i think last week i neglected to mention, i haven’t forgotten about the jaelights collab song i keep teasing! i just need to make the video for it, but obviously i’ve had a lot of other stuff take priority. i imagine i’ll have the energy to finish it sometime this month, but neither of us is in a rush to get it out (she’s so kind waaa), so if it gets pushed back again it’s not too big a deal… it’s been hard for me to work on music-related things tbh. just a bit of a mental block. i’ll get over it soon i hope!

i think that’s all i had to say for this week. sorry again for the late post, i try to write these in advance whenever possible, i’ve just had a lot going on haha. thanks for reading~



The websites you used are called 'bigcartel' and 'pirateship'?! So much fraternising with the criminal underbelly, Nami!!! What are you doing to reassure your public that this operation of yours is totally ABOVE BOARD and RESPECTABLE?!??! XP Anyway, I'm glad to hear that the first round of book sales went well. Here's hoping for more good results in the future!


Glad to hear the first round was a success, even if it seems like it was a bit exhausting. Hopefully experience shall make future merch-stuffs easier... Definitely looking forward to my own book, though!!! Especially the keychain!!! Wonder what sorta merch'll be up in the future, but, for now, GAME DEV!!!!!! Hopefully that'll be a rejuvenating change of pace, pff. Also the music video...... Very curious about what sorta lyrics are gonna be in it, with its title and all, so!!! Looking forward to that, when it's ready, pff. BUT ALSO LOOKING FORWARD TO NEAR-FUTURE COMICS!!!! Dunno if the next one'll have Vinegar in it, but Vinegar comics will surely be beloved, when they arrive. Wonder what sorta interactions she'll have with characters..... Especially wondering what sorta situations might pop up between her and, say, Trick and Mochi, with their infectious positivity..... But any characters'll be interesting!!! Wanna see more adult Vinegar being silly, possibly depressed, and treated kindly. (Absurdly interested in seeing her interact with both Astragalus and Drop, but y'know......... Maybe one day. Maybe the Astragalus one is evil to want to see. BUT Y'KNOW. Who knows. Maybe that'd be kinda sweet... Probably bittersweet, but primarily sweet!!!) Thank you for the update!!!!! Hope the future's far less exhausting for ya than it has been recently with whatever the hell, and GANBAAAA WITH THE GAME DEV'ING!!!!!