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result for another piece of candy's audition event is posted at the bottom, so come back and read this after wednesday if you don't want to be spoiled!

i thought about just posting another sneak peek this week but i have some status updates i can share, so i wanted to write a longer post after all :) happy birthday, butterscotch! now for the updates...

APoC updates

i put a digital version of the another piece of candy book on itch.io yesterday! it's mostly the same as the print version, except the print version thanks you for buying it lol. i made the pdf free because the page is partly a hub for translated versions of the comic and i didn't feel right charging for those since the goal is making it more accessible to all the fans...

now that it's up, some more translators are contacting me, so i'll have a few more pdfs to make after this! it's a little bit tedious putting them together, but it's kinda meditative work, so i don't mind too much. the russian version is almost finished, so i planned on putting that up tonight (after i get through my other obligations, including this post!)

as for the print version, the keychains are EN ROUTE to me right now!!!!!! which means i'll be able to put up the store page next week so you guys can finally order these things!!! merch stuff takes a lot of coordination omg... i'm excited to get these books sent out tho, cuz it's nice getting to hold it in your hands for real!!! i'm gonna be signing them+including personal doodles as well :) i hope ordering 50 was enough... i'll restock ASAP if they seem like they're gonna run out fast..... aaaaaa

SAS update

i posted the preview for this a couple weeks back, but the new content for this game is coming along great! the script is halfway done (i think i finished writing 2 good endings? i dont remember now lol), and i'm not sure if i want to finish the rest of the script or start on the final assets a little early since i haven't been as much in a writing mood lately...

either way, you can expect a patron release build during september, then i'll be sending it off to translators before i make the public version! this "chapter" is pretty different from the first one so i hope SAS fans will still enjoy it... i have 2 more characters planned after this, but those will have to wait til next year!

syrup 2 update

i posted this gif on cohost when i made it, but i added a title system! you can unlock them by fulfilling certain conditions and they give you small stat boosts or various other effects.

previously the titles were aesthetic only and something that changed as you did things in your playthrough (disgaea 2 specifically is what i was thinking of as the basis for this lol), but there was never any reason to open the screen and the logic for them wasn't working great, so i left it out of the last wip build. letting players set them makes it way more fun, and you can use different titles as a way to challenge yourself (like beating the secret boss as a loser! lol)

other recent updates include accessing your full inventory from the map screen! this came up during playtesting last time, so i was happy i could add it for the next build.

i only spent a day or two working on this game, so that's all i have to report! i always end up adding features to this game when i feel like coding ren'py stuff... there's so much going on in it...... excited to be able to get back to finishing the story for it after treat's done!

personal update

i broke my toe last week!!!!!!!!!!! it wasn't that serious, i just stubbed it on some furniture... it's my 2nd littest toe, and it's recovering pretty well now, but i could barely walk for a couple days which was very annoying. i was glad i drew all the comics i needed to in advance, cuz the first few days i mostly had to stay in bed and keep my foot elevated.

nothing like a little injury to keep you humble...! it made me eager to get back to finishing games, since you never know when external factors will suddenly prevent you from doing what you want.




vinegar got about 30% of the overall vote! congrats, vinegar!!!!

here's her shiny new cast profile:

i actually expected salt and pepper to win, since fans have been asking for them specifically for a long time... they did manage to get second place tho! and chai was the most common writein answer!! so i'll definitely have them show up at some point. fox takeover...

anyway, that's all for now~ gonna be writing up more details about the poll results on my cohost on wednesday!

thanks for reading!




Happy birthday, Butterscotch! :) Sorry to hear about your toe. I hope it recovers soon. The titles in Syrup 2 sound interesting! They should add some more complexity and replayability to the game. And THANK YOU for letting us look at the inventory from the map screen! Now I WON'T have to downvote the game and talk trash about you on every game forum I can find. (just kidding 8P)


checking as often as possible until the book drops. gonna be an early bday present for wake.