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i finished another ludum dare! i made it with the same friends as last time, plus 2 more. (our team expanded...!)

this time, you play as a rain delivery cloud who delivers rain to whoever asks! it's an autoscrolling shooter-type game, and i did the character art again :) there are technically 3 endings, but it's light on story so i hope you'll give it a shot and enjoy the art!!!

>> download on itch.io << 

writing up a postmortem later tonight, then i'll gather the psds later this week (i'm wiped out!)

thanks for your support! hope you enjoy our little game!!

<3 nami




Oh wow, congrats! It looks so cute, and the comments are already great on it! I can't wait until I can play and rate it too :D Also omg yes, Ludum Dare was exhausting! 🙌


Well done to everyone on this! A clever and creative idea for a game.