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i was so focused on charm studies, i didn't end up drawing that much outside of game assets. but the stuff i DO have is pretty good ;)

  • i drew the cover art for C.T. Matthews' new game, Ducky's Delivery Service! (go wishlist it on steam!!!!) i did the art for her previous game as well (Chessplosion!) so i was happy to do it again for this one :) these little ducks are so fun to draw <3
  • springtime newsletter from trick! i wanted it to go with charm studies, so i only sent it out earlier today haha.
  • it's a baezel and butterscotch story for another piece of candy! i have too many storylines that won't be posted for months... oh but i love them all....

thanks for looking <3




Could Butterscotch and Pastille turn someone into Yui Hasagawa for a day? If they asked real nice and provided chocolate? Asking for a friend. (…I mean I am my own friend, so technically this is correct).


AAAAAAHHHH.... Of course, the cover art for Ducky's Delivery Service is excellent. IT HAS SUCH A NICE VIBE TO IT!!! And it's very nice that, this time, ducks aren't being obliterated in it!!! Wholly different situations..... Looking fricking forward to the delivery experience!!! AND TRICK LOOKS SO CUTE... Them being surrounded by cherry blossoms certainly has a bit of a callback energy to it, doesn't it, pff. Hopefully, in the games, they can have that sort of situation happen again!!! ...With a different outcome!!! (But also, greatly appreciate the power of a relatively simplistic background/staging still having so much power... It's excellent!!!) AND THE COMICS YESSSS... So happy to see Butterscotch having a positive outcome ;w; Love her. BUT ALSO LOVE BAEZEL. THE COSPLAY SHENANIGANS ARE SO GOOD (big shout-out to the ramble about Majiko having an inferiority complex..... Baezel loves what they love!!! HE REALLY DOES!!!(And it'd be crazy if somebody else directly involved in making Majiko.... y'know.... had an inferiority complex too (Love Butterscotch so much (AND LOVE BAEZEL SO MUCH (AND PASTILLE HELPING BUTTERSCOTCH IS SO GOOD I LOVE IT ALL SO MUCH.))))) And, super glad to have these previews!!! If it's true that this and the other Butterscotch comic story are gonna take a while to get finalized and released, then... very glad to have them as is, pff. BUT!!! YES... March was a successful month for arting, between the extremely good hug in Charm Studies (and its busts looking cute as hell) and these supplemental bits of art...!!! Thank you for the post, as always!!! Perhaps April will be a bit of a break from deluges of art, but I'm looking forward to whatever it has to offer!!! GANBA WITH ALL OF IT!!!