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HEY EVERYONE! i was originally gonna wait until next week to start planning this, but i've been on a comics kick lately and decided to get a headstart!

for this event, i'd like to do daily updates leading up to valentines day, in a format similar to the 2018 fanmail event. basically: ask whatever you want, and i'll draw it like this:

INFO/RULES (updated from last time)

  • i'll try to respond to every question! you can ask a bunch of different ones if you want, and i will answer at least one of them.
  • again, limited to the main cast of the comic. for example, you can't ask questions to salt and pepper... but you can ask moxie a question ABOUT salt and pepper.
  • there is no official theme, but if you want to ask valentines day related questions (or romantic/shipping ones in general) i think that would be pretty fun.
  • sfw only! no sexy prompts... sorry ;)
  • i'll be including names on these by default, so if you DON'T want your name to appear (whether it's going by a different alias, or just "anonymous") just let me know!

the last day for submissions is sunday january 29th (edited from feb 8th oops) sorry i had to close sooner!!! i got too many questions after all haha i'll still do my best to answer!!! (end of edit, wow i wish patreon let you do strikeout text that wouldve been easier)

NOW GIMME UR QUESTIONS... either by commenting here, or sending me a direct message!!

looking forward to it~

<3 nami




Salt & Pepper: Have you ever considered a career in acting?


Mochi: what's your favorite thing about being a Bunny?