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IT'S READY...! this build has over 2 years of progress and polish since the demo version! it might take like 5-6 hours to play through the whole thing, so make sure to take breaks!!

>> download from itch.io << (you'll need to log in first!)

you can check the game page for more details. if you're not able to access either of those pages for some reason, let me know and i can send you an alternate link!

uhh let's see... some main points for this:

  • some screens are marked as WORK IN PROGRESS, those aren't finalized (ok i guess this was obvious but the astrology stuff in particular might change a ton)
  • you can get to astra's apothecary by chapter 6 or 7, but you can't do much there yet. it's a feature i didn't have time to get to for this build haha.
  • i'm still refining the battles and adding animations, so they will continue to get fancier (especially later ones!)
  • i plan on writing more events for the side characters, but i'm focusing on the main story first since that's more important. (there's still a lot of events anyway... omg)
  • there's partial controller support, but i recommend having a mouse/keyboard on hand because i haven't tested a controller-only run yet

i'm sure i had more notes, but i can't think of anything else i wanted to point out... this game is really big so i have a lot to say about all the little parts..... umm PLEASE DON'T SHARE SPOILERS OR ANYTHING, there's some huge plot things going on in this that i want to keep a surprise!!!

oh, and send me bug reports if you run into anything strange! DM, email, or comments here are all completely fine :) i'll update the build if anyone finds a crash somehow.

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

<3 nami




Finally got around to playing this. I had a really great time with it, I sort of sat down expecting to play a little after work and stayed up all night 100%ing it instead lol,,, The systems in the game are all really simple and fun to play with without feeling completely brainless, I did wind up getting a lot of use out of items. (The revive is, intensely abusable. I beat what I think is the hardest fight by sheer attrition after crafting 100 and not grinding levels the whole game.) As usual the story is really where it shines of course, I think it might be my favorite of your works yet, the characters really get room to breath and it has that cozy JRPG party vibe at points, if that makes sense. Really love the development for all the characters this time around, and I appreciate all of the world building happening. It really feels like a place with history and things happening outside the core story. In my playtime I also only experienced one bug which was the sugar icon for the common sucker recipe didn't load. This happened once and never again, no clue why. I could probably gush for a while longer, but I'll just leave it at that I'm very excited to see the final product here. It's shaping up to be an incredible game and I've already thoroughly enjoyed everything up to this point.


omg thank you ash!!! (a couple others found that bug too, it was just a missing image... lol.) so glad you enjoyed the game, i feel like all my little guys are really thriving in this format so i hope i can make more big games like this in the future hehe.


Super old, but when I played it recently it would only show mince's shop art, even when in drops shop