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happy new year! it's time for my annual update. no preface this time, let's just dive in!!!


treat 7 came out in august of last year, on moxie's birthday! since then, i've been taking a break from the series to work on other stuff, but i was still planning it on the side. mainly, i needed to decide on some things in syrup 2 first, because one of the places you can go in that game is also a place you'll visit in treat 8! i got all that stuff figured out, so now all that's really left is to MAKE treat 8. which... i think i should be able to do pretty fast? it'd be really nice to release it for trick's birthday (as listed in the image above) but that might be too aggressive of a deadline. i don't want to rush the last part, but i'm looking forward to working on it too. i won't have any distractions, so i'm gonna do my best to get the first test build ready by march!


i just put out a work-in-progress build for this one!! very proud of how this game is coming along, but it still has a ways to go. i'm focusing on finishing the rest of treat before i return to working on it, but i wanted to list it here because i'm sure i'll still be poking at it either way. it's a very big game. SO much to do, haha.


i haven't participated in a game jam in a while, and i miss doing them! i've been chatting with some friends about doing a weekend-long jam to make something fun, so we'll see if i have anything to show for that this month...! i'd like to do something for nanoreno or y*ri jam again (sorry i have to censor the jam name for patreon, fucking insane), but a month-long jam might get in the way of treat stuff too much... so we'll see how i feel when those come around. i'm actually nervous to formally participate in anything, so it might be better for me to just pick a month to jam on my own schedule. maybe i can finally make that cassia game i keep teasing... i hope i can ;o;


i started on this pretty much right after i finished mirror call, but i lost steam pretty quickly haha. i still want to finish it, but it's very low priority... which is a shame because it's pretty good....! i'll probably finish it before the end of the year. the first 5 pages are sfw, so i could post them as sneak peeks if u guys wanna see 👀


i think i alluded to this at some point previously, but i'll finally go into some detail here! i really enjoyed doing the fanmail event in 2018 (oh my god that was so long ago????) but having questions open to the public meant i had a lot to respond to, and ended up drawing 30 of them... i don't want to commit to something like that again, so i thought i could just ask for patron questions next time, and run the event in the first couple weeks of february, leading up to valentines day! i'll ask for questions more toward the end of the month, so start thinkin' up some good ones...! (it's ok to ask a bunch, i'm not planning on doing a theme despite the holiday haha)


thanks for your support!!!!!! really means a lot to me that i'm able to make games on my own all day everyday. i'm having a blast, so thanks for making it possible! <3

have a good 2023!!!!!!!!




OOH... The tentative release date for Part 8 does sound really fun if ya hit it... Hopefully all of that dev'ing goes smooth. Dunno how much effort would be involved in all of that, but hopefully burning out won't happen....!!!! And of course a later release date is fiiine if it comes between releasing it then or releasing THE ULTIMATE CLIMACTIC CHAPTER (or burning out, too, of course)... Trick's forgiving, after all. Being able to finish whatever the heck the Cassia game is at some point sounds super cool too!!! Genuinely been hoping for more news on it, because.... CASSIA IS.... BEAUTIFUL....!!! And it'd be the first game of yours with a trans main character!!!! (Besides Chapter 4 in LWT of course pff. Unless... Trick isn't considered trans??? Are some characters in the Syrupverse assigned non-binary identities from the start? Feels like kind of a weird question to ask I guess...) But either way yes hopefully a chance to make any fun side game presents itself....!!! Not necessarily or exclusively the Cassia game!!! BUT ALSO PATREON IS... INSANE??? Oh well, but that's... insane... Getting a preview for the next Peristille comic does sound super fun... Certainly curious what it's going to be about, but I imagine it'll be maybe a little more involved than Mirror Call?? Maybe not though!!! AND ALSO..... ANOTHER PIECE OF CANDY QUESTIONS YESSS... I'm super no good at thinking of questions to ask for, but I do have at least ONE knocking around pff. And very much looking forward to everybody else's questions!!! All of the ones from the 2018 event were super fun or had a delightfully sweet result (I will never forget the Spice/Thyme "What do you do in cold weather" and the Syrup Crew "What's Christmas look like at Syrup's place" (godddd constantly thinking about EVERYTHING THERE... Butterscotch and Gumdrop especially)). Hopefully it's... super successful!!! AND... thus... 2023 seems like a hopeful year!!! Looking forward to Chapter 8's WIP build in the future, and looking forward to whatever the heck else might happen!!! LET IT BE... AN EXCELLENT YEAR FOR US ALL!!!!


Duuuude, 2023 is going to be cool yo! Can't wait to see what comes out!


yeah i don't think trick would identify as trans! they've always gone by they/them and never anything else, never got put in a position where they had gendered expectations placed on em. in general i wanna explore more gender stuff in future games, since what's accepted differs depending on where you are (like periwinkle and pastille both mention it being an issue for them, and danny has some struggles in treat)--but cassia lives a very charmed life, so i don't know if it will even come up in her game except in passing. the story is about other things, so we'll see how the two main characters interact, if it comes up naturally or not ehe. anyway YEAH im looking forward to everyone's questions for the event, i'm sure i'll get some sweet prompts outta you guys <3


OKAY OKAY I WAS WORRIED THAT WAS A BAD QUESTION, PFF... Good to know, though!!! I was genuinely curious about it, thinking about that alongside the Pastille/Periwinkle stuff as you said. ALSO..... TWO MAIN CHARACTERS, HUH.... I mean makes sense. And hey if it doesn't come up then, there you have it!!! It's just a cool thing. Trans folk!!!!!!!