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a long long time ago i wrote lyrics for the her tears were my light title theme for lydianchord so they could make an utau version, BUT i realized i had the power to make my own version now!!! so this is the song i'm using for the steam trailer i need to make :)

eleanor is so easy to tune... this is seriously the fastest i've ever finished a song. i hope i can make more like this in the future!!!!



God i love this song with all my heart, ah i mean, my tears


WOWZA..... You're becoming an absolute pro at vocals, it's incredible.....!! And aaaaa, the soft instrumentation is so fricking good, too.....!! I'm so glad space is full of melodic percussion; stars are all wonderful instruments or something like that!!! But this is beautiful!!! The two versions have rather different vibes; the first one sounds, happy! And the second version, here..... it imparts a much gentler feeling. Sounds happy as well, though solemn as well? Like the start of the story, and/or the start of the True Ending.... I think it has a lot of Nil in it, for sure!!! The vocals obviously represent Time, maybe the main melody, too. My own thoughts past that are "So then the high-pitched notes are Space, and the gentle, long notes in the second half are Nil". At any rate, excellent work....!! The trailer's gonna be so powerful with this track....