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this has been in the works for a really long time, but i finished it on impulse today!!!! YAY!!!!!! when i realized it was 8/8 i was like aw man, gotta release my spider song...

here's the music video! the lyrics are a bit dark, just as a warning.

i love designing different eleanors for these songs... this one is hot topic chic, lol. i wanted to be self indulgent, since there's no reason to hold back!! i wrote the lyrics way back in 2020, but i wasn't able to compose the song for it until last year. i got close to finishing the track back in january, but then i died! so this has been nearly-finished for 8 months now... lol. i'm so glad i can finally share it, since i sung it to myself all the time before now :)

zip includes:

  • song+ instrumental version (mp3, ogg, and wav)
  • fullsize cover art
  • and lyrics

btw i posted the instrumental earlier today as a sneak peak and got a lot of kind feedback i wasn't expecting ;o; honestly u guys inspired me to finish this more than anything... so thanks for your support!!!

<3 nami




THE "IT'S 8/8 SO I GOTTA RELEASE MY SPIDER SONG" BIT IS SO GOOD..... I didn't even realize pffffff. Glad the power of spider eyes galvanized you into finishing this up fully for the occasion!! The vocals sound like they've evolved a bit since shifting, or maybe that's just a different tone in general? Safe to say there's some evolution, though!!! AND HOT TOPIC ELEANOR IS CUTE AS HECK.... If only she were in any other situation.... In terms of the lyrics, I'm not too, too certain about the theme, but there's certainly some bits that I feel a little strongly about. Maybe it's just because of Lucky Number Moxie and my own personal biases, but...!! My own interpretation of the steps in the story is, somebody stuck in a severely insecure situation, with somebody around who could save them if they reached out, possibly, but they don't want to take the risk in being helped because they know they'll be an in extremely vulnerable position in the process and furthermore don't want to be a bother, and thus they take the simplest route and just accept the hopeless situation until it gets to a point of no return of some kind. IN TERMS OF... the actual, solid theme, specifying that from my own point of view is a lot, so!!! I'll just assume my vague guess is right!!! UNLESS MY INTERPRETATION IN GENERAL IS OFF ITS MARK, CANONICALLY.... But I mean, what I got is what I got!!! I am really curious to know what the intended theme is, though, but I assume that's secret....!! AND, THANK YOU FOR THIS WEEK'S ACTION-PACKED MONDAY UPDATE!!! Two in one day, again.... What the heck...


oh yes they released eleanor forte AI recently, so i used the upgraded version!! i might go back and remake my older songs in the future since i love how she sounds in the update. your interpretation is right! i keep making songs about toxic relationships haha (i have another one coming, i hope i can finish it soon too!) but this one is basically like, denying your escape route early on and then regretting it later. (also you're welcome! i love having things to post!!! i'm having a great time)


This song reminds me about a "DokiDokiLiteratureClub" poem about spiders and a toxic relationship, i like the lyrics they made a good mix with the song combined with a wonderfull art work, great job Nami :D