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i tested all the way through treat complete!! it currently takes 4-5 hours to get up to the point in the story that i have scripted, so i expect the full game to be like 6+ hours..... wow!!!!!! (i am begging people not to tell me it's too short, I'M BEGGING)

i ran into a bunch of bugs along the way (so my playthrough was pretty disjointed oops) so i saved some of the ones that made me laugh. pictured above: didn't rename the parallax bg from the second game, so part 1 used the wrong file lol.

there were plenty of wrong warps that i forgot to fix. so characters often leapt way into the future and into odd places...

this is my favorite one. (HOLD ON TRICK IM GONNA GET U DOWN FROM THERE!!!)

and then there was the time i woke up as treat instead of moxie...

but enough bugs!! ...now actual bugs. butterflies!!!!!!

i made an insane amount of progress on part 7. i drew a ton of new tiles and scripted most of the next section of the game!! which means... i should be able to finish a WIP build friday!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

i'm hoping... HOPING.... i can keep up this momentum and release this to the public in august. that's a tentative guess!!!!!! it seems doable in my mind. i feel so bad that i was blocked on this game for literally 3 years, but i think i really just needed the time to focus on it without distraction. i'm happy i got to a place where i could do that!!!

playing through this whole game again made me go "wow, no wonder everyone keeps begging for the next part" lol. my girls are so charming... it's such a great vibe...... i'll keep improving it as much as i can while i finish the rest of the story. i recently figured out how i want the final scene of the game to go, so i can't wait to make that and share it with everyone.

thanks for loving treat with me! (sorry again for taking so long to get here...!)




"What d'you mean, 'it's too short'?! Do you know how many years it took to put it all together??!?" Good to hear that you're getting a lot done! I'm sure it'll all turn out great.


Incredibly excited. Treat was my introduction to your work and still holds a special place in my heart. Very excited to sit down with the collection and play it front to back. Thank you for the update Nami!