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welcome to the first of my monthly art posts! i'm not including game assets or art that i'll be releasing as part of something later (like finished comic pages), but i have lots of random stuff to share outside of that :)

i added captions to some of these, but here's some more detailed descriptions:

  • character designs for the in-universe gods of life and death! the moment you die, they argue over your fate and whoever writes the better ending for you wins. these are AU versions of characters from another game (i can't say without it being spoilers, so if you don't recognize them don't think too hard about it!) and they will be appearing in a future game as soon as i have an excuse to put them in. not syrup 2 unfortunately, but i might change my mind... (i love the concept too much to throw them in randomly... i want their debut to be really cool)
  • gijinka of the little chess duck from CT Matthews' game, Chessplosion! we were chatting about OCs and thought it'd be fun to imagine what chessplosion would be like if it featured anime girls instead. so i hastily drew one! (this is actually from february but i thought i'd include it anyway haha)
  • fan art of Lavendar from A Potion for Chamomile! Kyanite Heart's games are very sweet, i highly recommend them.
  • in case you missed it, i started updating another piece of candy again!!! one night i started drawing thumbnails for strips in advance, and just kept getting a ton of ideas...! so there ended up being a lot to share. i'm posting one per week, and the last one happens to go up on my birthday (july 27)! very excited to finish all these :)
  • the last 4 are disgaea fan art. it feels like it's been so long since i've been able to draw disgaea stuff for fun ;_; very nostalgic. planning to post these to my pixiv in the future (i started using it again in case anyone wants to see some of my old fan art haha)

one last extra thing... i collected all my old drawings that aren't posted anywhere anymore, and put them in a private tumblr blog! the password is "peristille". please feel free to share the link with whoever you want--it's only private so that i don't bother anyone.

ENJOY!! <3


life and death witch designs
gijinka design for CT Matthews' game
fan art for Kyanite Heart's game
valvatorez (disgaea 4)
valvatorez alt (disgaea rpg)
flora beast (disgaea)
thief! (disgaea)



Oh god, the comic snippets just got better and better as they went, that final one absolutely slayed me 😂 (+1 violence for Syrup there I guess!)


This is so cool!! Is it just me, or do Orchid and Lilium kinda remind me of Overlord and Maiden? Most likely a coincidence, but really cool nevertheless-