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hello hello! i was working on this game back in november/december, but i wasn't able to finish it until now... i'm so happy i can finally release it ;_;

the gameplay is based on some mobile games i really enjoyed (like hungry hearts diner!!!) so i included a mobile download, since i feel like this one is probably best experienced on a phone

download here: https://nomnomnami.itch.io/astras-garden/patreon-access
(you'll need an itch.io account to access the link)

public release will be sometime early may, because there are 4 translations almost finished, so i want to wait for those :) i need to put the art collection together too... maybe i can do that by this weekend hehe.

i'm not sure what else to say!!!! i'm really happy (but nervous) to be releasing something again. it's kind of a heavier game, but i love how it turned out. i love astragalus. i hope you all enjoy it!!!

<3 nami




A game about Astragalus? Screw that, when are you gonna make the game where we get to kiss Salt and Pepper?!??!!?! Just kidding. XP This was very good! a simple, gentle, relaxing game... and one with some intriguing grim parts to keep it interesting! It's great to have a game that goes into the topic of illness. It was fun to keep track of all the tasks - growing and watering, and keeping an eye out for customers to keep everything funded. It never got too fast-paced or unmanageable that it became stressful or annoying. Like I said, this is quite a gentle game. It only got a bit tricky during the epilogue, where I had to wait a little longer now and then for customers to show up, but that was during the epilogue, and I'm pretty sure that that was the point - to have a harder challenge in order to see all that extra story, so it makes sense. The characters were all drawn lovely, the backgrounds were easy on the eyes - simple but still with enough detail and colour - the music was pretty and relaxing, the sound effects were appropriate, clear and satisfying. It all came together to form a fun, gentle gaming experience. And, of course, the story was nice and engaging! It was nice to see a certain character again and see more of his backstory with Astragalus (I think you know who I'm talking about!) and that twist with the other character - I genuinely didn't see that coming! It was very moving, and when you look back on the earlier parts of the game it does kind of make sense, so it was a good twist! It was also good that you could replay the different interactions after you'd gone through them. I didn't do it myself - I wanted to just keep going to the end! - but I'm sure some people will appreciate that. I was going to complain that you couldn't save the game. I expect to be able to save visual novel-style games like this, so when I couldn't see a save feature that rather ticked me off, and I ended up playing all the way to the end in one sitting because I thought I would lose all my progress if I quit. However, it seems that the game will automatically save your progress when you quit, because I saw an option to 'reset' your data after I finished it. Is that right? Is that a common feature in games like this? Maybe I'm just not familiar with games like this, but maybe it would be worth putting a little notice somewhere in the game that explains that you don't need to manually save? Also, during the tutorial, it didn't explain that tapping the customers gives you money. I know that this might seem obvious, and I did figure that out quite quickly, but I did miss out on a bit of money before I realised this. At first I thought that the customers were just background decoration, and I would get money in a 'selling' mini-game or something. I know that the game tells you to tap on customers if you ever run out of money, but wouldn't it be a better idea to explain this in the tutorial? It might be too late to start changing things about the game at this stage, but if you can, those are just a few things to consider. Thanks for making this game! It was fun, interesting, a bit sad in parts, and great to get more backstory for these characters.


thank you for this comment!!! i didn't point out the saving since this is mainly targeted at mobile users who are used to autosave. maybe i should add a note for the pc version though... i'll write this down for the future :) some tutorial text appears to tell you to tap customers for money when you have less than 2 dough, but i didn't feel a need to show it otherwise. maybe i'll add it at the beginning! these were valuable feedbacks, so thank you again!!


I finally decided to start playing late last night when I should have been in bed for about 10-15 minutes and already I'm so charmed and reminded of how much I love your artwork and writing! I'm confused about saving however. I decided to play the android version on your reccomendation, and once I was done for the night I quit the app without doing anything special since I couldn't find any save button, assuming my progress would save automatically. But when I came back today I couldn't find a way to pick up where I left off. Is there something I'm missing?


oh no, i hope there's not a save bug..! when you open the game it should bring you back to the hub screen as long as you've completed the tutorial and everything. there's a menu to replay scenes too, so if you stopped in the middle of one it should still be unlocked i think. i'll have to do more testing on that version.. thank you for mentioning this! i'll add a manual save if all else fails.