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heyyy it's time for my mid-year update!

here's how all the projects i mentioned last time have been going, and what i plan to focus on for the rest of the year:


this game is finally coming out in october!!!!! i made a teaser site for it and everything. 3 translations are finished at the moment (added german since last time), and brazilian portuguese is planned to be ready on release too. all the music is done, the art is 78% complete, and i hired chunderfins to do some really cool animations that show up late in the game..! it's all VERY EXCITING!!! hoping to make another test build for game dev enthusiast tier patrons later this month.


i took a long break from working on this game to focus on other things, but i'm starting to feel it again..! this will be my main focus after bad end theater comes out. i'm not sure if i'll be able to release it during 2021 after all, BUT, that's still what i'm aiming for... thank you, treat fans, for your incredible patience!


i've only been working on this one on and off, but it's really coming along! i've done a lot of polish on it these past few months, and finished scripting a large chunk of the main plot. there's still a lot left to do, but i decided i need to release this game before i'm allowed to work on the sequel to starry flowers... i think that alone will motivate me to finish it during 2022.


so... i've written many detailed outlines for different VNs i want to make, BUT... i'm holding back from pursuing them at the moment, so i can get all my big projects out of the way first. i think i'm scrapping the princess vn i mentioned last time in favor of more witch-centric content (i just can't get enough of witches lately) but if i can revive it as a jam game someday, i will try... the one game idea i WILL mention (because i'm 99% sure i'll definitely make it) is an idle game where you raise plants with astragalus as the main character. i love her. we all need this.


the first half of 2021 has treated me very well and i'm super happy with all the art+games i've been able to work on this year! thanks as always for your support ;o; take care of yourselves~

<3 nami



very welcoming news, excitement grows with each thought I have

Alissa Worley

This is so exciting!!! Great job on making plenty of progress during hectic years. :)