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hi everyone :) i wanted to make a general update to let you guys know where i'm at, and what you can (most likely) expect this year!

last night i took a look back at all of my currently unfinished projects to see if there was anything i'd be able to finish up relatively fast (since the last new game i was able to release came out in june 2019...) and the result was... OH NO... all my ideas have been too big... i'm juggling a bunch of things in development hell!! i guess it's not a bad indicator of my mental state though (i promise i'm trying my best to take care of myself...!)

i've felt pretty burnt out creatively, and it's been a struggle to get myself to draw anything i have to THINK about (character designs, concept art, even composing illustrations)...

instead, i've been focusing on the type of work i CAN do, which turns out to be a lot of programming stuff! most of my VNs have mobile versions now, which opened up a whole new audience--her tears were my light has over 100k installs! (that's more downloads than lonely wolf treat! WOAH!!) i've been pursuing more translations too since now with mobile there's more of an active demand for them. but i'd like to get back to focusing more on new things this year since it feels more rewarding to me personally!

anyway, i wanted to officially state a few goals in hopes i can follow through on them:

  • SPOOKY SOIREE PC UPDATE (trying for valentine's day!)
    no new content, just new translations so it'll match the mobile release
  • TREAT 7 (mid-late 2020)
    i'm not far into development on this one--i have all the events outlined, but the major blocker is designing all the new areas and new outfits for the main party.
  • ALCHEMY VN (playable demo at least, probably early-mid 2020?)
    this game has been in the works on and off for a long time--it's basically a sequel to syrup and the ultimate sweet! but instead of a pure vn, you can do candy alchemy, and fight in little rpg battles. i finally got to the point where the item system doesn't break when you load a save, which means now i just have to fill in the rest of the content and people can actually play it! this is the most exciting one imo!!

i have a few other games i'd like to finish this year if i can, but none are far enough along to make any promises yet... i'll talk more about them if i can make decent progress!

my life has changed a lot in the past couple years, which i think is a huge factor in why i can't release a bunch of games in a row like i used to. i'm trying not to be too hard on myself for not being able to keep up with that ridiculous schedule, but i really do feel restless when i'm not making new things. so i hope i can find a good balance for 2020!

thanks for reading!

<3 nami



good luck with all your plans for this year!!


we have good new :D