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Drop the total members of the INFERNO tier from 11 members to well unlimited BUT I'll be rewarding 6 patrons sketch request per month. This is to get the overwhelming workload off my back. So, whoever are the 6 members that get to me first with their sketch request, those will be the only requests I'll be working on and no more. To those who miss out, you'll be able to get to me next month. These changes will be in effect next month, so if you want to leave, I understand. This is a huge change but this not just to help me but also to provide what I promise to this tier. There's a NSFW comic in the work but with all the time Im spending on comms and requests its looking impossible for me to complete it. I promise ill to provide WIPS and updates on it as soon as possible but for now I need time to finish comms and request.

Thank you for your support and understanding



I would’ve gotten the $10 tier but it was sold out


Let's gooo I'm in