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So, things have been weird ? I've been on a bit of a hiatus since The Romanticization of Problematic Content. First and foremost I've been traveling a lot, visiting family etc. But I've had a lot of time to sit and reflect on my content and I've come to the conclusion that I am a mess ? Creatively, I have a lot of things to say, but very few ideas at the moment. To distract myself from that, I've been very focused on other projects including directing a new music video that should be coming out soon. (It's very good, I'm very talented). As well as developing some things on the side that I'm super excited about, but besides those I've been relatively unproductive. 

I started working on my next project just last week, with the goal of releasing something relatively big in a timely manner. On a live stream with streamer Lucidfoxx, I announced my next project would be something fun and easygoing about social media and hellsite Twitter dot com. (Because my recent work has been very heavy on the mind, and I'd like to have a little bit of fun). I'm happy to say this video is in production and is formally titled TWITTER SINS. However, in the process of making something nice and easygoing, I've realized something crucial about myself... I fucking hate that. I love the extravagance and importance of the things I make and I don't want to sacrifice that. It's been a real challenge and A LOT of re-writing, but I finally have the start of a script that I'm happy with that balances having fun with some interesting concepts. I don't want to treat Twitter (or.. X...) as I treated TikTok. If I were to get up in front of you guys and boldly proclaim that 'bird app bad' you'd rightfully get bored. Like, no shit? So I've taken a different approach that I hope you connect with.

With all that being said I'd like to reassure you this is something completely normal for me. Like clockwork every single year around July/August I go through a similar renaissance where I take a tiny break and rethink what I'm doing, I've been conscious this was coming for a while. But despite my ramblings, it feels really good to be back. I will be ramping up content production now. I finally feel energized and reinvigorated to make some good shit. See you very soon.

- mia 


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