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Hello CEO Of Target's and vagrant financier's!

Welcome to the newest edition to the patreon, introducing: Teasers. In this new perk exclusive to the highest and most distinguished members of the patreon I will be discussing my upcoming projects while they are still in the writing process and encourage discussions in the comments... or not.. honestly I'm just thankful for your support, you don't owe me shit, hell you don't even have to read this if you don't want to.

My next project is called "The Romanticzation of Problematic Content" a video about what happens to both the consumer and producer of a creative work, after the creator is outed as having done some sort of social transgression. That's right bitches I'm talking about cancel culture!! I made the executive decision after the last video to finally retire my whole 'gen z internet expert arc' a resolution that I announce very quietly as to not incite mass mia cole enjoyer panic. I just feel that I've said everything that needs to be said and I'm ready to move on. Most of my recent content with the exclusion of terminally online. has taken that approach anyway, no reason to cause hysteria.

Anyway, the video is about many things, but with each layer to the rabbit hole a new character emerges to guide us through the weeds (4/20 reference). From JK Rowling, to Kanye West, and even to Shane Dawson... yeah this one is gonna get messy. My goal is to approach this video from an empathetic lens while also being critical of the more pernicious aspects of both sides. In preparation for this video I started reading Conflict Is Not Abuse by Sarah Schulman. Which is different for me given that I haven't read a book in at least 5 years. 

I don't wanna spoil too much, so I'll keep a few cards up my sleeve as always, but just know this video is going to be filled with lots and lots of cinematography, dramatics, and most importantly, drone shots! I really hope you like it, I'm shooting for an early May release date, though originally I wanted a second April upload, I feel as though this videos runtime might balloon out of hand as it usually does...

Wish me luck! I will return bearing gifts.

- mia


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