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To celebrate hitting 100 patrons I posted a submission form for my next video as decided by my patrons. These are the top 4 options. (Parenthesis indicate my personal youtube clickbait title.) Below I will detail my thoughts about each one.


1. Robin!: What does importance mean to us? 

I like this idea cause i would probably get to talk about art or something, but it would be short

2. Anonymous: MrBeast & The Medium (MRBEAST AND THE COMMODITY OF THE SOUL)

To be totally transparent this is my favorite cause I already have an outline from a while a go for this video that I only scrapped because I had just made my 'i was in a mrbeast video' video but i would LOVE to bring this idea back to life

3. Anonymous: Shitposting is an Artform (Sh*tposting is an Art Form)

I LOVE this video idea, the only thing that concerns me is getting passed youtube censors which is frustrating cause this is a great idea but i would be so anxious about demoetization, youtube L)

4. Anonymous: A Jordan Peterson Video (something something jordan perterson)

I love myself a good Jordan Peterson Video, I would just have to make sure I had something to add to the conversation cause Jordan Peterson is basically a genre at this point.

Honarable Mentions: 

- Matthew Powers: Implications of the TSA in the cars movies (this is such a mia cole youtube video idea but would most likely be grotesquely offensive lol, are you TRYING to get me canceled??) 

- Hankiscoolish: Smash or pass but with patrons/subscribers (hank i love you but you are a sick and twisted man)




I have some very legitimate questions about the intricacies and implications within the Cars universe, and I don't care who gets hurt on my quest for answers. I love you, Mia, and I would feel bad about it later, but inquiring minds need to know if the oil-driven "war on terror" would be viewed differently by a Car populace considering the primary resource being fought over is effectively a vital bodily fluid.


How much would you need to make in donations for it to be worth it to make the Shitposting is an Artform video as like a patreon exclusive or something like that?