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hi, mia here, lett me just jump into it...

okay so like basically i love social media, i think it's an amazing tool for wide spread social engagment and i believe in digital community and all that shit big words thesauraus what have you,,, however, I wanted to talk about content output and the way i navigate social media and you can like read it if you want idk ?? 

My creative process is most effective when my social media presence lessens. This hinders my ability to do audience engagement as much as I believe necessary to cultivate the community I aspire for. Big creative projects require a lot of time and energy, and as you could imagine devoting 100% of my time to them is my typical response. This affects my Patreon posting schedule as I will go from 2-3 videos a week down to none for a few weeks and the cycle repeats. I don't want to neglect either avenue whether it be free online interaction or the paid service of exclusive content I provide. Finding a balance between the two is something I've discussed at length with other creators, but have been unsuccessful at fully implementing. As I wrap up production on my next project I hope to finally find this balance, but thats not something I'm comfortable promising. As much as I love the curtain I have the privilege of putting up for a project to be fully realized it gets into frustrating territory when promises surrounding timing or subject matter are made. I tend to make a lot of changes to my videos over time and don't want to instill any false promises or ideas of what something will be. I also am anxious at the idea of even momentarily deviating from my normal content to produce more experimental, especially while I'm still in the process of growing my channel (20k soon lets goooo). I have almost given up on this video multiple times, and am so scared to release it based on the subject matter and format, but at the end of the day I want to tell a good story and it would be wrong not to release it based on those fears alone. With that being said... In my next video I flew across the country to interview an unknown Soundcloud rapper about his insane life. Drugs, Sex, and Soundcloud Rap will all come together in this video. It's a little different from my normal stuff but I hope you'll like it just as much as I do. It's basically a short documentary if documentaries were edited like mia cole youtube videos. It'll be out this Friday... but no promises. thanks for reading this, i appreciate you fuckers,,, byeeee

TLDR; tha nks for giving me money $$$ bitch 



I make TikTok videos and podcasts, and as much as ByteDance wants me to keep posting, I only post when I have something good to say. It keeps my Numbers low but I think it leads to better art. Not that you asked my advice, but I say do what makes you most satisfied and you will be rewarded! :)


While I love your usual content, I'm also really excited about you trying new things. I'm excited to see where you take this, but remember that you're still human. It's okay to make mistakes and stuff