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Hey folks! Time to check in and fill you in on the next content cycle. The calendar may appear a little light, but I assure you the content is heavy duty. For the devlogs I'm going to be sharing a comic book I'm making for the Hyper Echelon physical release. This involves hand drawing and creating the final art in vector. My traditional drawing skills are quite rusty from all the pixeling over the years, so it will be a big challenge to get back into the groove. Hope it will be a refreshing and insightful experience for all of us.

Also due up at the end of the month is a new Pixelblog. I covered so many topics at this point, I'm thinking to revisit a past subject for an update. Let's hear those recommendations.

Looking back at last month, I have to say it felt good to return to Pixelcast. Hope to make more before long. Also, you may have noticed I recently changed my avatar. Still the same old Slynyrd, but it was time for a refresh. I thought it's fun to create a fictional avatar that is more timeless, and unique to my brand. Also, could be fun to iterate and develop back story over time. Honestly, I'm just too old and ugly to sincerely pull off a cute character based on my likeness anymore. The metamorphosis is complete, I'm a cyborg pixel ninja.

Thanks always to my awesome Patrons!  





Looking forward to the comics!