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Hey folks! The calendar looks a little light this month, but I strive to pack the scheduled items with value. Truth is, I've got a lot going on lately, including home renovation projects. Hyper Echelon has come back to the forefront of priorities, as we endeavor to create an awesome bundle of merchandise, along with the physical copy of the game. Can't disclose anymore at the moment, but will keep you filled in on the progress of this project, and you might even get to see some behind the scenes production.

I talked about scheduling a Pixelcast last month, however, Beast Planet needs some attention after sidetracking to pump out the latest Pixelmotion. Honestly, the returns for the amount of work it takes to produce a Pixelcast makes it hard to justify these days. I still enjoy making them. It's just a matter of finding ample time. I sense my audience would prefer to see more structured videos with detailed instruction on the specific processes. Does that sound like interesting, valuable content?

Anyway, I plan to drop a new Pixelblog at the end of the month on a as yet to be determined topic.   

Thanks always for the support of my awesome Patrons!



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