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Can't believe we've arrived at the last month of the year. Hope you all had a good November. As an American, I always enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays. Just when the doom and gloom of oncoming winter begins to set in, I'm reinvigorated by acknowledging all I should be grateful for. I know it's been rough for a lot of people these past few years, financially, and spiritually. In light of these times, I'm especially humbled, and ever grateful for the support of my Patrons. Art is my lifeblood, and you allow it to keep flowing. Thank you!

I really enjoyed getting back into isometric design for the recent Pixelblog. I'll have to make some original iso pieces again soon. However, this month I'm going to be focusing mostly on gamedev. Things were starting to roll where I last left off, and I'm excited to get things moving in engine soon. Can't say much here, as the devlogs are exclusive to Patrons. Don't miss out!

Thanks always for the support of my awesome Patrons!  



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