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Hey folks! October is here, and I'm back with another round of pixel goodies. I'm going to try to jam in quite a bit of content this month. I'll do my best, but please forgive me if anything gets delayed.

I know it's hard times out there, but I've been disheartened by my inability to grow my Patreon membership since the past couple years. Moreover, I often wonder about the kinds of things I could do to try and bring in a wider audience, and build a more cohesive community around my work. For example, a Slynyrd Discord for Patrons. Expanded video content. Monthly collabs, or challenges. Let me know your greatest pixel desires.

Thanks always to my awesome Patrons!



Josh Thomson

It can't help how you're feeling, when no one responds to a post like this. In my case, I'm not sure what to tell you. I support a fair number of creators on Patreon and have done so since the platform started, but I have zero insight when it comes to what might drive engagement. I support you because I like what you do and I like seeing your process. I don't participate in the Discords for the various creators I back, but I do know that several of them have good and active Discord communities. I suppose it might help to know what sort of people are supporting you--whether they're fans, whether they're pixel artists, whether they're gamers, that sort of thing. Monthly challenges could drive engagement, but only if your supporters also make art (pixel or otherwise). I don't feel like I'm giving you useful feedback. I guess I'm responding mostly to let you know that I enjoy what you do and I read (and enjoy) your posts.


Hey Josh, always appreciate the support. I'm fine. It actually feels out of character to gripe at all, and I should always be grateful for the support I do have. Ultimately, I'm going to forge my own path as I always have, and I think that's what my true fans like about me. I just wish there were more of you. Thanks for the feedback!