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Hey folks! Here's a look at the plan for July. Little late with the update from celebrating 4th of July holidays. It was good hot fun as usual, now it's time get back to business.

First up, I will share the final Dot Gals entry, then create a complete gallery collection of them, which will include a final round of polishing.

Next, I will delve into some work on Shape of the Universe. Honestly, I've been getting restless with the project lately; overthinking things and losing confidence. Therefore, I may truncate the story and start releasing the work I've done in some form soon. I just don't want to prolong releasing the art much longer, as I haven't been putting out much other personal art in recent months. The feedback loop keeps me motivated and helps me grow as an artist. We'll have to see how things go this month. I'm actually quite excited about  a new composition I just started for the project.

Lastly, I plan to release a new Pixelblog near the end of the month. I'm thinking about doing some Phantasy Star inspired scifi RPG stuff. I know I could totally get down with the style. What do you think?

Thanks always for the support of my awesome Patrons! 




I love Phantasy Star!