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Hey folks! Time for our little monthly check up. Hope y'all been having a good year so far. It's the thick of the winter in my part of the world, but I can't complain. I seem to enjoy this season more as I get older. Not having to commute makes a huge difference!

This month I will mainly be focusing on developing Shape of the Universe. The second scene is underway and I will have a new update for you this Friday. My goal is to complete at least one scene per month until the public release sometime Q4. Some of you might be scratching your head over this project at this early stage, but I'm confident enthusiasm will grow when it takes more shape.

Pixelminis is back! My last pixelminis series got cut a little short last summer, as I had to push aside content to focus on the Hyper Echelon release. Well, I'm now poised to start up a whole new series! I'm open to various subjects/themes, so you can help me narrow down the vision with a poll I will post next week.

With my latest Pixelblog I have now created 100 tutorials! Thanks so much for the support, and helping me reach this milestone. I never expected to take it this far, but I don't see any reason to stop as long as I'm having fun, and people are being helped. I know a lot of you are here for my tutorials, and I will continue releasing Pixelblogs at least every other month, as I find it difficult to pump one out every month, maintain top quality, and also juggle my other projects. So, expect Pixelblog 37 in March. That should give you enough time to review the previous 100 tutorials!  

Lastly, I want to announce an upcoming change to my rewards. The quantity of materials I offer through downloads has grown so large that it out values the $5 tier. Therefore, I plan on making all asset downloads exclusive to the $10 tier, starting in March. Decision is not final, but I think this is the simplest revision, opposed to moving all my assets to a store, or my home site, where you could purchase only the sets you want. What do you think?

Thanks always for the support of my awesome Patrons!



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