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It was raining all last weekend, and I was cooped up struggling to find inspiration for a new piece. I created several potential sketches, but nothing was calling to me. Finally, the rain stopped, my old reliable muse graced me with a glorious sunset.

I faired the storm well and reveled in a moment of beauty, while some folks were dealing with flooded basements. I could really feel how fine the line between chaos and order is at that moment. Life is full of suffering, but the only way to stay afloat is to aim high.

The airship is totally imagined, while I used photo references I snapped that day as a guide for the background. I had the ship designed the first day and I thought, well, I just have to make the background, that shouldn't take long. It ended up taking me four days to complete the background! There is a Yin and Yang dynamic going on between the ship and the background, so I felt it necessary to bring everything into focus with great detail. The process wasn't too painful though, because the colors are so soothing to me. Hope you like it!

54 colors
Animated version




This looks absolutely stunning, you really nailed the lighting. Can't wait for the next one, I take so much inspiration from your pieces.


The clouds are so detailed and glorious! You must have carefully studied the sky and emphasized the best parts. Also the perspective on the ship adds to the dramatic vibe of the artwork!


Thanks, Mirru! Yup, I spent days looking at that sky, but it’s fun for me. The process is similar to putting together a jigsaw puzzle, except I have the freedom to create the pieces.