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Happy 2021! I don’t like to put certain days on a pedestal, because I believe every day is significant and has equal potential for greatness. A year is comprised of days - make every one count. Seize every day and you’ll compose a year worth looking back on with fondness and pride.

2020 was a challenging year of much change, but I can still look on it with gratitude. The turmoil helps season my creative expression, and in turn, the art helps keep me grounded through the hard times. You often hear the creative mind described as a curse, and some days I feel that, but ultimately it’s a gift I can’t imagine living without. I think 2021 is going to be a momentous year for me and I’m excited to get to work.

This month I’m bringing back some classic contents I haven’t posted in a long time, Pixelcast and Pixelmotion! The Our System series is complete, so I’ll be starting a new Pixelminis series this month. look out for a poll to choose the theme next week. The next Pixelblog is planned for February, so I have plenty of time to make it awesome. Public testing on Thyrian Defenders will begin any day now and I will a continue sharing updates, as I still have story art to create before the final production. The game should be out later this year and it’s going to be a glorious accomplishment no matter what people think of it. Can’t wait to move on to other things and provide the ultimate pixel playground to my supporters.

Thanks always for your support!




Looking forward to Pixelcast again! :) HNY!

Nathaniel Smith

Hurray for Pixelcast/motion's glorious return!