July Schedule 2020 (Patreon)
Whoa, the year is already half over. It's been a wild ride, and it only looks like things are getting weirder. I think people have become deranged by social media, and now I see insanity pervading all our institutions, even the arts. All art and expression is now susceptible to censorship for reasons I can't make sense of. It seems anything can be offensive to someone, including not expressing yourself at all. Maybe I'm overreacting, but it sure looks like we're on a slippery slope, and I don't feel good about where it's heading. Hang on tight folks. Listen to what's in your heart and don't give in to Stockholm syndrome. Let's keep the creative juices flowing and build for a better future that preserves our freedom of expression.
No matter the circumstances, I'll strive to deliver creative goodness. This month I will have a nice variety of content, including a new Pixelblog. Instead of making a new Pixelcast I decided to keep pushing on Thyrian Defenders for another week, and give you some extra updates. 'Our System' Pixelminis series is in full swing. Also, a new Pixelmotion is overdue, and I'm eager to create a new animated scene.
As always, I appreciate and seriously consider your tutorial requests. I was thinking about focusing on character portraits, or maybe some nature subject I haven't done yet. Pretty much up in the air at this point.
Thanks for supporting me and going on this wild ride with me!