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Greetings! School is back in session in the US, and fall is right around the corner. Even though I've been out of school for many years, I get a heightened sense of motivation around this time of year, as if I was plunging into a fresh semester of academia. Now that I'm taking on the challenge of online mentoring with the Pixel Producer tier, the feeling is greater than ever. Indeed, I have a solid line up of pixel goodies and I'm ready to bring my A game!

A new Pixelmins series will begin this month. Please help me decide the theme and cast a vote in the latest poll.

Pixelcast will return after a month hiatus. I'm actually considering making it bi-monthly as the norm. I really have to hustle to produce one every month, but more importantly, it seems the novelty wears thin with even just one a month. Not sure though, I really do enjoy making them, and still believe they are a valuable part of my content regime.

Pixelblog 21 will continue to build off last month's lesson with more top down assets and possibly more tile variants. I also plan to continue the  top down series into October with character sprites and animation. We'll have quite the asset pack when the series is complete!

I spread out the Thyrian Defenders posts a bit so I hopefully have more substantial materials to show in the updates. We're in the final push of the dev cycle, which mostly involves balancing and polishing, so not a lot of new graphics to show.

As always, I try my best to hit these dates, but don't be alarmed if I'm not 100% punctual. Sometimes I get overly ambitious, sometimes life happens, but the goods will be delivered.  You can't force art into a box.

Thank you so much for the support! 



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