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Control Room Nexus

Commander Sterling and his talented operators manipulate the battle from a distance.

I usually hand sketch a thumbnail of the basic composition I want before I go digital, but you never know how it's going to feel when you start translating into pixels. This is one of those cases where I didn't have such a clear vision and pretty much hit the canvas raw with the basic idea to make a control room scene. As soon as I made a few shapes the vision popped in my head and for the next 20 hours I had a blast developing the scene. Pixel art often works like that for me. Rather than forcing my vision I let the pixels on screen guide me and evolve the vision.

There's quite a bit going on but it was a really smooth process without any terribly complex animations. The rotating sphere looks pretty neat but it is actually a fairly simple 5 frame animation. I had a lot of fun and definitely see myself revisiting the concept.

80 frames
Made in Photoshop

Prints & Merch




This is so cool, love the lasers and explosions :3


Thanks Tay! These animated pieces are really fun to make and eventually I plan to share animation techniques in my tutorials!


All of the tiny animations here add up to a scene rich in character!