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As short as February is, I think March flew by even faster. I swear I was just printing out my schedule for March and here I am doing one for April. Anyway, I'm glad to say it's been another good month of sustained growth. Since the start of the year the number of current patrons has nearly tripled.

As usual, I would like to welcome all newcomers, and thank all patrons for your generous support. I'm preparing another month of stellar content for you.

Prairie Churches will continue through the month. I plan on just doing 9 of these so they will be finished by mid May. A poll selection for the next series will likely release sometime this month.

My new Pixelweeklies series, Mondo, will begin in April. I'm going to try something different with this series. Rather than release a new artwork each week I will release one at the end of the month. I've been wanting to make more complex artworks, but having to put one out every week limits how ambitious I can be. This will allow me the time to create some really epic pieces, and it will give you more time to properly digest my quality content.

You'll still be hearing from me plenty though. If you look at the schedule you can see I will be sharing work in progress every week. The first week might just be a rough sketch. The second week should be somewhere in mid progress. The third week will be the final complete piece. The WIP posts will all be patron exclusive. Dontcha feel lucky?

Thanks again for your continued support. Cheers!  



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