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Hi everyone! I hope you've had wonderful holidays and are prepared to bring your best into 2018. I know I am. Read on to get briefed on some new content.

2017 was one of the most prolific years of my life, largely due to my push behind this Patreon site. Launching a Patreon site was definitely the highlight of the year for me. It was something I had in the back of my mind for at least a year prior but I wanted to strengthen the foundation as much as possible. See, I'm an all or nothing kind of guy and I wouldn't go through with it if I wasn't all in and fully confident in my abilities. In the end, it still took a lot of courage to finally push the button. Asking for money for something you put your full heart and soul into is a scary thing.

Growth has been slow, but bringing in a handful of patrons means everything and tells me there can be more, lots more! I launched 5 months ago and I feel like I'm just getting warmed up. With every passing week I'm still improving my skills, becoming more proficient, and more inspired. Thanks for joining the ride and fueling my passion!

I'm excited to announce new content for the new year. As you can see I've mixed new content into the Wednesday slot. The first Wednesday of the month you will get a new Pixelcast as usual. The second Wednesday I will release an animated artwork in a new series I call Pixelmotion. These will be animated artworks much like the Orbital Colony in the recent Pixelcast. Think of Pixelweeklies scenes but with movement, however, these will not necessarily be connected in theme or narrative. I've wanted to make more animations for quite some time and I get a lot of suggestions to add motion to my work, so I'm really excited to deliver the goods.

Finally, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month I will release a Pixelblog. These will include tutorials, tips, and insight into my techniques and approach to pixel art. I've long avoided tutorials because I would like to promote self-discovery above all. But I get so many requests I feel it's almost selfish to not pull back the curtain a bit. I think my first post will focus on color; some general principals and how I make custom palettes. In the future I intend to also cover texture, lighting and other unique techniques I've picked up over the years. In addition, I would like to do retrospective looks at some of the series I've completed; sort of a behind the scenes to the making of. Let me know if you have any requests for blog features. This is your chance to not only learn pixel art, but to also learn about me!

In order to fit in this new content I've cut back Pixelcast to only one episode a month. I hope you are fine with this compromise. I honestly don't think it makes the greatest serial content, as viewership is up a down week to week. However, I still think it's a great product and once a month might be the perfect amount to keep it fresh.

As always, thank you for your continued support, and have a happy new year!




Small revision. I moved the Pixelblog up one day to fall on Tuesday. I did this because the following Wednesday is when I will release the previous week's Pixelmotion to the Public. The blog will release to the public on day one, so I'd like to avoid overlapping content. Also because #tutorialtuesday. Yeah, it's a thing:)