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Hello everyone! With my birthmonth and favorite month of the year, I figured I would give everyone a true treat in this very ghastly time.

I will be selecting two people from the people who like this post to be drawn together in a fall/winter themed picture of their making. All you have to do is like this post and I will select the two patrons Monday and Tuesday.  (the idea can be as simple as wearing sweaters or something and ofc NSFW)

This one is open to all of you guys, so I expect a high turnout of likes, I want to make sure you all get a shot at this one.

Edit: This is a one hour notice until I pick people. Please like the post if you want to be apart of the pool.

Update: The selectee's are EZEKIEL and Tiberious You guys will be Messaged in a PM so keep a look out! :D



omg happy birth month and thank you for this!!

Glyn Wolf

Congrats to the winners!