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These are my SAI2 Brushes I am currently on SAI 2 Verison 2023.04.
I use stabilizer 15.

From first image to last:

- My Sketch brush: I use this brush mostly for sketching. I also use it to add hair.

- My Pen brush: I use this brush to solidify my line art, I do not do traditional 'line art' and just clean up my sketch by lightening it a little and going over it with this brush. I also use this brush if I need a deeper line. Like making eyes or eyebrows.

- My Coloring brush and Outline brush: This brush is mainly for coloring in stuff, but I also use it as a pen for times I need an even sharper and deeper line. I also use it for hair and eyebrows.

- This is my Air Brush: I use it for all sorts of things, blush, lights, painting. Its a very useful brush.

- This is my, bread and butter, Painting Brush: I use this brush to paint I also use it to sketch sometimes. Depends on if I need a loose brush. This brush is made for painting and adding good color that also is able to blend without 'blending'. I use a separate brush for 'blending' and I use this brush with color picking to mainly do what you would call rendering or blending.

- This is my Hard Brush: Nothing too special. It's my paint brush but with a Square edge. This brush has a special shape, but I am sure you can find something similar to it somewhere.

- This is my Blending Brush: It does what is advertised, it blends. I use this brush to blend all my paintings, and other things.

- Next two are my Erasers: Noting too crazy... One is hard one is soft. They erase real good.

- Next two are my Hair Brushes: These two you have to have a special brush shape, and as I do not own the rights to these brush shapes, I can not give them to you. Sorry. You can search em up though, and hopefully find them. I mainly use these brushes for mass body hair addition. I also use it for other things that kind of come in handy (Like making meshes for mesh hats) These two brushes are very very niche but help out a lot.

- Next are my Canvas Settings: Nothing special here, just my canvas settings. I don't use the whole canvas I only use part of it and crop it down to my needs as I go.

- Lastly an Honorable Mention. My Marker "Liquid" Brush: This brush is the newest brush I've added to my array of brushes. This brush is another niche brush where it just works really well for... Liquids.... (Can't say the other words cuz limitations with Patreon descriptions) I use it for a lot actually. Sometimes I even use it for Graffiti.

My brushes are made for my extremely heavy hulk hand grip, so I suggest playing around with the Pressure. My artist friends have described my brushes as hard to use, next to impossible, but I will let you guys enjoy them. But all in all those are my brushes and what I use them for. Hopefully this helps you guys out :) I also use a XP-Pen Pro 22

If you guys have any other questions feel free to ask them in the comments. 



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