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Hey guys, I know this month wasn't too great with the content. I am sorry I wasn't more active after the con. I just experienced some rather unsavory things at the con relating to racial stuff. I don't really want to get into it too much and make it as an excuse. But I did want you guys to know where I am mentally.

And it's not that great. I wanted to return to drawing as soon as I got back, but I've been rather depressed and down about a lot of things since the con. I hope you guys understand that I am trying my best and taking time to bring you guys quality stuff. I have been and have organized to talk to a therapist coming May 2nd (which unfortunately was the closest I could manage.)

I really appreciate all of you, and I am sorry that I am not in the best state of mind.

I plan on pausing the Patreon next month if my mental state doesn't get any better. But I am hoping that talking to this Psychologist will help me move on past my pain. I will update you guys on my wellbeing as I go. Thank you for supporting me through it all. Honestly you guys keep me going.

In positive news, The Office of Eyes is officially in development and we have a team meeting on the 28th to discuss the teams coding! So, it's pretty big news. :D Game stuff!!!



Zato Bull

We appreciate the update and metal health is important, plus you sharing where you are at helps others, and myself, be able to talk about it and approach it. And racism anywhere, specially at a community event, has zero room. Take your time, here for you


Is ok take your time, we understand

Maru Kuma

Please take all the time you need. Your mental health is important and I hope the best for you


You and your wellbeing are much more important. Please do take as much time as you may need to feel better. We'll all be here with open arms when you're ready!