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((all other patreon rewards will be posted tonight/tomorrow))

These two are for a story that Chase and I are brainstorming for what we want to do after LoveBot! Unlike Lydia Grey it would be formatted to be a WEBTOON (if WT wants it anyway) and it would be a post-apocalyptic story! 

But post apocalypse in the ... uhhh I guess adventure time sense where it has been a LONG time since the world blew up and everything is different now. But Andrias is new to it all because he was trapped in a crystal before it all ended and now he's runnin around again. 


1. Lydia Grey and Muted have been handed off to my agent and she is working on finding them a home to be printed at!! fingers crossed for a deal by the end of the year :) ((not super likely but a guy can dream lmfao)) 

2. I want to get into doing monthly phone BGs again but I feel like no matter how much I plan in the beginning all of my patreon stuff ends up getting crunched to the end of the month anyway and I don't want to stack on top of that... HHMmmm.... we'll see. I def need to start doing more polls again though. 

3. For other printed webtoons.... as they are very swiftly wrapping up in the moment so I assume it is okay for me to talk about LOL 

I was hired by publishers to be the page designer for I'm The Grim Reaper and Covenant!   Basically i was in charge of taking all of their files and laying them out on a page to be good for publishing :) it's been a really fun process and I learned a lot!! I hope that when they are available for purchase you consider buying them (i don't get royalties for page design but they are my friends and I am proud of the work that I did haha)

Here is an example page here - 

and you can see some sample pages that were printed out for Covenant here!  

I'll be taking on 2 new series as well as the subsequential volumes of Cov and ITGR starting this month as well! (But keeping them a secret for the moment~) 

4. From a more mental health perspective I am trying my best to not succumb to the feelings that come along with the sun suddenly setting earlier and earlier. I feel like October/November are always my biggest emotional slumps where I tell myself I need a break but I ... can't afford that so LOL I keep trucking. 

Here's i doodle i did of me and grave for the end of ITGR volume 1 LOL



Katherine Adams

Wow you're doing so much! Thanks for all the work you put in. I hope the sun changes don't take too much of a toll on you. I have seasonal depression too, so I feel that. it sucks to be so excited for Halloween time and so full of dread at the same time (idk if you actually get excited lol, I don't mean to speak for you). Also fingers crossed for your potential printed comics!!! 🥰


tysm!!! I think i'd be more excited for halloween if my house was completely functional haha, our contractor sort of went AWOL and we are stuck. I was really hoping to have it done in October (who am I kidding- I was hoping to have it done in August) but we'll see how things go lol!


In love with both but you know that I’m weak for your designs