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So we are officially moved into temporary housing at least until the end of February, we'll have to travel back and forth to the house to oversee some general updates but while this place feels like a step up from the hotel situation we had been in I'm still pretty exhausted. 

For those who don't know - our pipes burst at the end of December and we've basically been unhoused since the beginning of January since our whole kitchen had to be ripped out and our water turned off to stop further spread of damage. Thankfully insurance is covering those costs but things are very much in a weird Flux right now 

I am going to try to get something in this month but not then I'll double up the rewards for February - making Date Night part 5 twice as long and making the archdemon reward fancier etc etc.

That being said of course, please don't worry about me or worry about how cancelling/lowering/pausing your pledge will effect me. I always say its 1000% more important that you're secure in your own finances than worrying about what I'm up to. I will rebuild one way or another. 

February will be easier because LoveBot season 2 will finish up in a couple weeks (we just finished ep 97 and I think we'll cap it at ep 99 - we've been working with no buffer this whole time and it's too close to the end to pause it)  and I'll also be finishing up on the first draft of something cool I'm working on for a friend (I'll announce that when I can idk if I can say right now lol) 

Thank you, as always, for your support. It really does mean the most. This isn't how I wanted to start off 2023 but I'm still hopeful for bigger/better things for my art and this patreon as it continues!!




Hope you're ok and it all gets fixed soon!