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I have been!!! trying to think really hard about her. I have some things I want to change about her design (like changing her boots to white doc martens and still having the paint- but like that's more of an expensive investment which is why she keeps them despite them being worn out for example)  

and I want to make a more full sheet with variations of her outfit. This outfit I consider to be her "middle effort" outfit - where it's not fully dressed up but not relaxed shirt/sweatpants either. 

The flags are Genderqueer and Demiromantic (but i adjusted the colors obvz to match her and cuz i think... those colors are prettier HAHSL;KAFJ) 

also idk if you remember I posted about her a while back in one potential pitch for a new story - and WT wasn't interested in either one I submitted as they were but they were more intrigued at Lydia's concept so I've been working on that a lot but more... in my mind Brain storming and not any actual Concrete Work save for this picture LOL 

I caught a cold from my nephews and I am trying to finish up LoveBot ep 78 in time for the 31st so that we can get paid for it lol, and then also I have an archdemon reward I still gotta do which will probably come in on the 31st.... or the 1st LOL sorry about that 



Mariah Sandlin

Hope you feel well soon 🥺❤️


This looks really cool. I hope you're able to make this, I'm really excited about this story. But god it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate. I hope things mellow out for you