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Hello everyone! How are we feeling :) 

Just wanted to make a little post about what I'm up too and what some plans are! 


Standees , Rose Pins, Prints!! (a couple new and some reprints but not signed!)

ETA: All of these are made and either printed or in production. I'm hoping make a big post about it at the beginning of may. 

2.  "Are you going to make a print version of Muted?"

I'm currently working on together a pitch document to then pitch to an agent who can then pitch the concept of a hard copy to publishers. 

Changing Muted from vertical scrolling to a print version is a lot of work + I want to make sure it is done properly and with the help of professionals. So am hoping that a publisher will help with that process- unfortunately it does take a long time. So I will keep you posted! :) 

3. this patreon? 

this patreon will continue to run as normal! and the discord is still available to talk in even if there isn't too much going on now that there are no episodes to actively discuss but I'm always happy to chat there :) 

I worry about you guys getting bored of course haha, but I am trying to keep it all interesting and relevant to you so hopefully its fun. 

I had wanted to make an epilogue on webtoon itself but I can't really find a way to condense all of it into any level of cohesive thought and now it's been ages so ... idk if they would even let me post one at this point HAHA but maybe if I do I'll post it on canvas. 

4. any new stories? 

I have an idea that I'm bouncing around but to be honest I'm kind of enjoying not having two comics going on at once (since I'm still working with chase on LoveBot)  so if you miss my writing at all and you also enjoy scifi I recommend giving that a shot :) I'm very proud of how season 2 is turning out and how things are coming together and also there is merch being made for that as well of course! 



I miss Muted! Though I am enjoying LoveBot too, keep up the great work Miranda!


A print copy of Muted is a day one purchase. I’m looking forward so much to what you have coming in the future!