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I actually sketched this months ago, like back in ... last august, but I didn't know if we were here yet, but I think we are now :) LOL cuz I know lactation isn't a super popular thing... but I make an exception for cow girls cuz .... what are they for if not to be milked- hm!?!?! 

I actually have 4 of them :) one of each "Type" which each has it's own type of properties/flavor and they get to live on a happy lil farm with Minotaur's to tend to their physical needs otherwise they get sad :((   (no surprise to anyone, chase is the one that designs the Minotaurs lmaldkaf) 

The one in the picture is Ash which as you can tell by my scribble notes she just makes people more horny lmfao she is the 2nd most rare type (next to the kind that Snow is which is very hard to come by. 1 of her type is worth like... 100 Standards)

anyway here's the request form LOL 





Never a disappointment with the lewds!