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As Muted is coming down to its conclusion and LA Comic Con is getting closer I am afraid I am at a crucial point of not being able to devote as much time as I have recently to Patreon. 

So for my own sanity and in the hopes that I can get at least 6 episodes finished in a month I will not be doing any rewards in November and most likely not December. Anything that I am able to do I will be saving as sort of a buffer for when I am able to do it consistently. 

that being said:

 Please feel free to decrease your pledge to $1 dollar or to delete your pledge entirely until I return to posting consistently. 

Your support means the world to me but I don't want anyone to be put in any weird financial situation for me, especially if I'm not able to get anything to you in return.

This is something I really wanted to avoid doing as I was trying to dig in to growing my Patreon more but I have to be realistic with myself that it's one too many things juggling around on my plate right now. 

I hope fall is treating you well and that you are able to do something nice for yourself sometime soon!! Also will be sending an email to whitesquirrel for an update regarding my website getting set up!



Think of my continued patronage as a Christmas gift! Love your artwork!

Anthony Thiebaut

I'm not going anywhere, Love your work too much!