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Ultra/Ultimate Succubus Nyra let's GOOOOOO 

tried to include a sort of ... X-ray shot but tbh i'm not sure how to do that, but anyway you can see how big it is at least LOL

also-  If anyone is interested in my thoughts LOL I imagine her dick to be like... you know with how usually mermaids or werewolves - in a sheath of sorts and can be pushed out as needed. 

And also her even BIGGER demon form I'm gonna call Ultimate!Nyra vs Ultra - anyone think I should polish off that last sketch? :3c 

Request fooorrmmm~



Fabian godkin

Please finish the last sketch! It looks amazing so far! Keep up the great work!


Oh shit I misread the grammar. I thought when you said “Ultimate!Nyra v. Ultra -“ I thought you were implying you wanted suggestions. Anyway yes absolutely finish the last sketch please.