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"But miranda you already have one drawn and scheduled for june 2nd" yes well I'm being nice so you're going to get another one



As much as I love camille/nyra/dendro, can we please stop voting for only this. I'd love to see some of our other characters and it seems like every time there's a poll, it's always our poly girls. I'm not hating, I just would like to see more variety.


As long as you don't force yourself and take it easy, do whatever you want queen. ❤️🙌


I personally would love to see more Avaline/Raum stuff, they're my favorite couple in this story. I know witches aren't supposed to have relationships with demons, but so many rules are already being broken in this story, what's one more, right?


if it helps, the other picture in june is a pair that has never been posted here before~

Natalia Moose

Man I’d love to see just Camille. Solos are just as awesome ^^