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so as I've mentioned a couple of times, season 3 is Muted's last season.

And I know it's probably like "season 3 just premiered and you're already thinking about it ending!?" lmfaooo. I just am always thinking far ahead.  please know that it's not because I'm eager for it to end- but because I want to be prepared for my future as much as possible!!!!

I am very excited for you all to see s3 - I like to think that everything is coming together nicely and the ending will be wrapped up in a way that is satisfying... at least it will be to me lol!! I love this story very much and though I know people would want me to continue it indefinitely I have a very specific arch for this story which will conclude most neatly at the end of season 3. I think to draw it out any further would just muddy the message and the strength of the story over all.

I'm not entirely sure how long it will be - honestly it's already a few episodes longer than I had intended since some parts I wrote out took more episodes to cover than I had originally anticipated. So we'll see!!

To be honest, the idea of Muted ending is scary. Because it really has changed my life. And the idea of my next story not being as strong or impactful (or financially successful as;lfkdja) as Muted makes me VERY nervous. 

I was struggling for a long time, trying to sift through potential ideas, wondering how I could possibly find something that would stand a chance but also be something I am very passionate about working on. 

and it takes time for WEBTOON to greenlight series, so I want to be as prepared as possible right out the gate so that the distance between this series and my next one is small (for the sake of being able to pay rent LOL)

There is no guarantee of course that this idea that I have will be the one that I settle on- or that if I do pitch it to WEBTOON that they would even accept it. 

So I suppose my question is- would you be interested in seeing the concepts as I put together my next pitch for the story? I wouldn't be posting anything for a while about it obviously since there are so many other things going on but still lol! 



Im sad that this is the last season but I'd rather have it end sooner rather than it getting dragged out


Thank you for all the work you put into this webtoon. We really appreciate it.


I'm very excited to see what new stories you have to tell in the future

Christopher David Partain

I'm really excited to see how this story ends. I'm also excited to see what Nyra, Dendro, and Camille's relationship ends up becoming. I'm hoping for them all to become a throuple.


I think it’s important to tell a story (which you have done beautifully) over dragging it out! I’m super excited to see new concepts and I know you will also do them justice as well ❤️